

We are in the process of major upgrades connected to our spiritual consciousness through cleansing and reconstruction. In addition, it is also a time of divine remuneration and restructuring.

To be ready for this all judgement should be released and forgiveness must prevail! There is no other way but through living and conceiving The Heart Virtues. This will require focus away from the distractions being placed before you. Whether you decide to do this now or later it will be required for ascension protocol.

Evolution is the purpose for your soul’s progression, and it has been delayed long enough. This is not what the current world wants for you, and that is why there are so many distractions to keep your focus off your soul’s empowerment. Might you be feeling the disparity within? Do you feel the need to stay occupied and busy right now? This is due to the ones that know we are on the edge of a great spiritual revelation, and they don’t want an awakened people. If you focus on your spiritual nature, you will feel the truth of it, and this is not going to support their current narrative. You are headed for enlightenment; that is the foundation of an awakening consciousness. This is the bridge between your levels of ascent toward connecting your Divine mind with your highest self.

Your spiritual path and progress does not lie outside of yourself. It is within your being and the confirmation of this comes from the development of the sacred triangle within your being connecting your heart, mind, and soul to create the expansion and expression of the Divine Mind. You can feel the changes within every part of your being. You have a major upgrade to your DNA happening now and it is increasing your levels of awareness. You may experience this in smells, tastes, feelings, and thoughts. Every part of your being is changing and expanding into a new way of experiencing and expressing yourself. You are not the same person you were. You may feel somewhat lost at times, and this is nothing to be concerned with. You are expanding and shifting on all levels! It is a good thing and should be allowed to progress.

You will find yourself at peace once you let go of expectations. Mastering the consistent feeling of peace lies within your ability to allow yourself to flow with the expansion and changes that you are feeling as truth within your being. It is not an easy progression, but yet you know this, and should still proceed. This is what you are here to do! You are the change you wish to behold, and it is believable! There is no where else that you will find the ‘answers’, for they are not readable, they are only felt through the new senses that are you are developing. You have always been an energetic being, and now you must tune into that reality for everything is based on energetics, frequencies, and electromagnetics. With the reconnection and expansion of your DNA, you are finding yourself ‘knowing’ when things are in alignment or are fragmented and distorted. It is a disposition of frequencial attunement to all layers of your being that are in concert with the highest version of yourself and the Universe at large. Yes!, you can connect to the Universal stream of love that comes from Source Consciousness through the trust you place in your higher self to guide you and expand your grace.

It is now time to awaken to the reason for your existence at this time. You are here to make a difference and in knowing this you will accomplish this most sacred mission.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️

Christmas Blessing

I am created out of the One Source of infinite life.  All that I am comes from this One Source, one life, one mind, one intelligence.  This One is the source of all power to create, to heal, and to bless.  It is a powerful source of healing and of restoration.  There is nothing that cannot be accomplished by the power of this One.

Every idea I’ve ever had has come from this one perfect intelligence.  Every desire has arisen from it.  Every dream has its roots deep in this Source.  I choose today to realize that my dreams and desires for my life, whatever they may be, come from this Source with all that is needed to bring them into full fruition.  I’m never given and idea without the accompanying power and ability to bring it into full form.

Today, I reassess the dreams I hold for my life.  I think deeply about what I would have my life contain.  Knowing that Spirit can accomplish anything I truly believe in, I set my sights on a higher vision, and know that the power of Spirit can and does fill this potent vision with its creative power and wisdom.  Today I accept that this infinite power is right now flowing through the ideas I have for a life of love, compassion, abundance, and joy.  Whatever my vision, Spirit now fills it with itself.  I am also filled with this powerful spiritual presence, and I know it.

And it is good.  And so it is. 

Sofia ~ Evolution

Many changes are currently happening that are necessary and needed.  A lot of these changes are causing huge amounts of stress and separation consciousness, and this is all meant for change, growth, and healing to take place.  Outside influences are the biggest precursors to change, and although you may not understand it, there is something that responds to these situations within.

The current situations are all meant for expansion and evolution of the soul/spirit within each one; individually and collectively.  There are no more ‘fences’, and this means that there is no reprieve or delay in your process.  All must be dealt with internally and it is a very personal process.  The end result is finding your place of peace, for when that is the status of most, it will be there for all!

Peace cannot be achieved through the ego.  It is only when the heart has been activated and engrained that the ego can be joined with the heart to create Divine Mind.  The ego is a motivator, in that it shows us where we are out of alignment with the heart virtues.  It then plays a very important role in the healing and purification of our internal self so that the heart consciousness of our physical self can be melded with our Spiritual Self.  This then aligns us with what we want; which is to be happy, healthy, and whole!

Knowing that it is an individual internal process helps us to understand that the journey is within.  There is nothing outside of us that holds the answers.  The search for answers is what drives us toward the awakening of our Spiritual Nature.  There are many forms of inspiration to assist us with this most important goal.  This blog is a valuable tool to that end amongst other writings, classes, teachers, etc.  These are all forms of inspiration, that lead you to answers that you will only find within, as it is specific to your personal path and process.  You are as unique as nature!  Your soul has a special purpose, and if you look into your life you will see it.  You are special.  You are the only one like you!  That makes your journey your own.

Let’s talk distraction.  Knowing that the ego is a great motivator, it is also your biggest hurdle toward Spiritual evolution.  The egos job is three-fold; 1. To create distraction to keep you from evolving, and 2. To control you to keep you firmly entrenched in the 3D illusion and, 3. To police yourself and others, to take you back to number 1.  The egos attempt at distraction is ongoing.  It is part of your programming that is innate to your physical self.  That is what makes it so hard to deal with.  It is a great promoter of separation consciousness which is its ultimate goal, for when you engage in unity consciousness you will find that we are all one created by and from the same Source.  Knowing this gives the heart consciousness power and control thus leaving the ego by the way side.  So, the first step is being consciously aware of the distractions and not allowing them to interfere with and derail your spiritual evolution.

Why should you be concerned about evolving spiritually?  Because that is what we are all here to do.  We are not here to have the most money or have the biggest/best house or car.  We are here to evolve; Spiritually, Mentally, and Emotionally.  We are given the best environment for this journey; a physical incarnation.  What a grand gift it is to be here and have this opportunity!  What you must remind yourself of is to keep it as simple as possible.  One step at a time.  Ask for help from within.  It will come to you in the form of information, grace, and teachers that will come into your life.  Drop the drama and incite your Spirit!  It will lead you to levels of happiness and joy within and show you a life of flow that lacks crisis, chaos, and conflict.

This is how to be the change you want to see in the world! 


A new time has begun with the transition from fear to peaceful purpose!  The energy that is upon you is asking that you gracefully allow things to unfold without judgement, and expect the best.

If you were to look back to the last year at this same time, what has changed?  Do you see a years’ worth of struggle or a tremendous amount of spiritual evolution within your being?  What can you contribute these changes to mean?  There has been much happening to give you opportunities for heart centered growth and evolutionary gain.  If you have been living within the heart virtues and letting them guide your life, you have experienced things much differently than others that are not consciously aware of this graciousness.

The expansion of your spiritual nature has been challenged, and this has made you aware of the difference between heart centered consciousness and ego awareness.  Aligning with the decisions made from your heart is a much different path than those made by your ego.  The ‘I know better than anyone else’ mind set arrives at a dead end.  The attitude of wanting to include others in the process of relating to their heart comes from the inclusion of grace within your life.

Finding the place within the connection to your heart and allowing your life to express this connection always awakens others to the peace you hold within.  Coming from this place inspires others to want this for themselves and shows them where their misalignments might be.  This then creates a crack within their paradigm that leaves a place for clarity and light to enter.  From that moment forward they are forever changed and their heart is activated.  When this happens, they will feel the difference between the ego and their heart centered activation.  This is a powerful time for them as they choose what part of themselves to listen to.  The more that you interact with someone the more they are affected by your heart frequency, and the more stimulated by the love sent forth from you activates their being.  The feeling of your grace filled composure ignites the internal recesses of their soul to reach for more and search within.  Your life giving spiritual nature aligns with others at the same energy frequency.  When you take your heart out into the world you affect others in a very profound way!  This is the next step for a heart centered person leading their life in such a way, with graciousness as their creed.  If this makes sense to you then it is you who are meant to change the world, to heal and activate the spirit within those you encounter.

The transitional energy that is now being expressed wants to find the higher frequency to lift all up into clarity and heart awareness activation.  You are that frequency of light that searches for the likeness of itself within everything and everyone, and when it ignites that within others it communes in clarity and love.  This generates ecstatic enlightenment and a change of energy.  Go forward in the attitude of graciousness towards all you encounter with your heart in full activation!

Blessings to you in 2017.  It is the year of enlightenment!

Be Well, Be Love

Peace and Contentment

There is much to be thankful for during this season of peace and contentment.  So much has transpired and it seems that everything is changing, or will be.

The changes that have taken place have opened new pathways to connect your heart with your mind.  Some of these changes have ‘the ego on the run’ and glimpses of contentment can be found within.

A new-found connection and understanding of the 8 heart virtues (compassion, understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation, valor, acceptance, and allowing) is the bridge from the state of change to peace and contentment.  There is much to be said for embracing change without fear and resistance.  This is to say that during change the ego may create CCC (crisis, chaos, conflict); as it may want to create suffering through resistance when change is present.  Peace and contentment can be found under the rocks of CCC, for change is inevitable through this alchemy.

There are two opportunities with any change that is presented.  One is resistance and the other is expansion.  One offers suffering while the other creates opportunity for healing and spiritual attainment.  Every opportunity that change presents is duly suited for a clearer connection to your Higher Self through a vibrational equivalent.  Processing change starts within the mind and completes within the heart.  This then instills clarity of being and elevates your frequency match with your Higher Self.  There are no shortcuts around growth and expansion, and this is why you are here.

As you accept change within your life the blessings come forward.  These are the harbingers of peace and contentment.  When one cannot find the blessings within a situation of change, there is resistance.  Resistance comes from the ego and cannot be transmuted.  Change would not appear in your life if you weren’t ready or didn’t call it forth.  Change is intrinsic to life and vice versa.  Some changes are welcome, and some are not.  All change creates hidden opportunity for expansion.  There cannot be change without expansion, even with resistance.  Resistance shows you where change needs to take place.  That is a blessing!  Resistance is tied to the ego which accesses the place within you that needs to be healed.  If one decides not to proceed with change, the resistance within will grow.  This will lead to another form of change being presented to you with more facets.  Faceted changes are more likely to create CCC.  This is where change can become unmanageable.  Starting with and practicing the 8 heart virtues will aid one in this situation breaking apart the faceted change to more manageable parts.

There is nothing that cannot be healed through the Heart Virtues!  The heart restores all life and blesses ones being.  The heart tempers the ego without struggle, and imparts a new dimension of goodness to its processes.  When this happens, new pathways open within that lead to living peace and contentment.  This then, allows you to expand your experience to include more complex forms of change that add to the flavor of your journey!

Be Well, Be Love


What is happiness? Where does it come from? Is it a state of mind or does it come from the heart?

Happiness is a state of being as true happiness is generated from the heart. Happiness is found when there is a state of peace that exists within. The expression of peace is happiness.

Peace is the natural state of the heart. When the heart is activated and healing has (or is in the process) of taking place, peace is the state of consciousness the heart reflects. The synergy between the mind and the heart must be clear and in divine repose. If the ego is active, its ‘job’ is to prevent peace from happening. The egos job is to prevent healing from taking place. Its function is to create crisis, chaos, and conflict (see previous posts ), as its purpose is to uphold and strengthen the illusion of separation.

When all parts of ones being are in harmony, happiness and peace are the by product and glorious state of being. This means that you cannot truly be pulled from your center. At this stage, it is of the utmost to stay in alignment with this vibration to connect with the highest consciousness of your being to assist others with their processes. You become a beacon of hope, and your frequency meets that of enlightenment and ascension. This state of being is important to all of humanity, as it accelerates healing and connectivity to the hearts of all ones currently on the same path.

If your heart is activated from healing and is restored to its divine state of creation, its love is brought forth and the ego mind cannot withstand the frequency. This amalgamation transforms the ego into divine mind. This state of holiness becomes your natural state of being and from this place you can create miracles!

The reality of this state of being is the ‘mustard seed’ of truth, and the vibration of truth cannot be withheld. Truth only speaks to itself and when it is present, healing and clarity can come forth. Truth is the first step of deep healing and restoration. Truth happens outside of the illusion that is separation. True love cannot exist without truth, and nothing that is not of truth can exist within the current frequency and vibration.

When you heal within, you find your truth. When you find your truth, you activate your heart. When you activate your heart, you radiate love. When you radiate love, you transform your mind. When your mind and heart work as one, you create peace within. This state of consciousness emanates within and without as happiness!

Be Well, Be Love 


Awareness is a conscionable connection with your inner and outer realm.  It is an ongoing act of communication involving your heart, mind, and higher self in relation to your world.  When we add the word conscious to awareness we are adding that you are not focused just in your mind, but all facets of being are engaged.

Conscious awareness brings to light the complete picture of what you are focused upon; making the experience of it a permanent part of your being.  This means that you are having a spiritual experience and expression of whatever it is you are doing.

All of life and all that you do is a spiritual act of communing with your life’s journey.  There is nothing outside of that, as this is the purpose for your life.  There is no other reason to be here!  The spiritual nature of your journey involves conscious awareness in that you cannot have a connection with your purpose, and the plans set forth, unless you are in a state of conscious awareness.  This brings to light the importance of the connection between the divine mind and heart (see The Stand & Belief posts) to fully engage your conscious awareness.

Your life is a spiritual act of love.  Just by virtue of interacting with your environment and tuning within to the feelings (heart) that are created from this alchemy, is a spiritual experience.  Being consciously aware of this process enables you to evolve and expand your awareness.  The more you connect with this interaction, the more clear and concise your intentions become to correlate with your life’s purpose.  You cannot have any mistakes along your journey as everything you do, learn, and know is all leading you down your life’s path toward the reason you are here.  This should take the stress off if you are concerned about know what your life’s path truly is!  It is the here and the now.  Becoming consciously aware of your spiritual nature, along with your intentions with regard to everything and everyone in your life, and the connections you have within is the key to creating all you want to have in your life’s experience.  This is the conscious part of your awareness and what you are here to learn.  You cannot have the feeling of fulfillment without the knowledge of your spiritual process of attainment.  Being consciously aware that all you do enriches your spiritual nature and will expand your life’s path to open to more of what you intend your life to be.

Be Well, Be Love


Seeing is believing and trusting is believing without seeing.  To rise above the ego mind and trust is far more difficult than anything …. other than faith.  Faith and trust are very similar in that there is no proof that they exist.  Trust is a value as is faith, and both come from the same place, the heart.

Why should you develop trust?  Trust allows the truth to come forward and faith allows you to believe in it.  Trust is really in one’s self, as you are the one who allows it.  You must believe in yourself and your heart to be fully connected to trust.  If you trust someone else, you have faith [believe] in them enough to trust them [truth].  If you trust a situation or event will turn out the way you want it to, you must first know your part in it as you must be in perfect truth for the outcome to be assured.  There is another side to this as well in that you must always trust that things will be as they are meant to be, and only 100% of the time!  There are no accidents or mistakes and all is on perfect timing and task.  This is how the Universe was created, and when you trust in its perfection and have faith in your process, everything in your life will reflect that power [love].

Trust and faith put the 10 heart virtues into action.  Without these foundational values nothing else will work.  Trust and faith are facets of love.  For example, forgiveness is rooted in love with faith that you trust yourself to believe in the forgiveness you are enacting.  Compassion and understanding are an extension of love trusting that it will be received and make a difference.  Each virtue carries with it love consciousness [through the heart] with trust and faith as the processors.  As your awareness of this increases the more powerful your heart virtues become, and you turn into a mighty beacon of light and love!

With trust and faith there are no mistakes.  Since these values work with the heart in the pure expression of truth, there can be no mistakes; as mistakes are only an illusion of the ego mind used to create fear and project weakness.  When one is working with truth, the ego mind is not active and cannot create the illusion of mistakes or weakness, as truth is strength and directly connected to and operating from the heart.

The vibration of truth is such that it corrects all things existing within a situation or process and cannot be diluted.  This means that truth is without ‘mistakes’ (sic) and love is its foundation.  When truth is expressed, trusted, and believed it cannot uphold any illusion.  This means that reality is based on truth and illusion is created and maintained from the ego mind.  When you can trust your heart and have faith in yourself you live in truth and your reality is without illusion.  The reflections of ego such as fear, dismay, sadness, degradation, anger, and disillusionment cannot reside in a heart conscious being.  This is the key to your spiritual evolution and your guidelines to living a life based in reality where only happiness, joy, and peace are the cornerstones of your existence.

Trust your heart and have faith in yourself.

Be Well, Be Love ♥


What is grace?  Grace is the energy created out of pure love.  It is the energy that comes from the vibrations of the 10 Virtues (see Sacrednicity, Peace Within).  Grace is given to all that ask for it, and it is the foundation of all healing and restoration.  Grace is also a state of being i.e. ‘In the state of Grace’.

When you ask for assistance through prayer, Grace is given to the subject of the prayer and is bestowed upon the one that is asking.  Prayers are generated through intention.  The prayer [intention] that is generated calls out to the vibration of the heart virtue that will assist in answering the intention [prayer].  This then creates an emotion from the heart that adds power and strength to the intention.  This energy vibration [emotion] creates and magnifies the Grace that is sent to the subject of the prayer.  When this Grace is received it adds to the vibration and frequency of the receiver, and gives strength to the intention from which it was created.  This is why multiple persons creating the same prayer [intention] works so well.  The power of Grace sent to one specific person or place will modify the receiver and surround them with the vibration of the Grace that was originated.  For instance, if the intention was for healing, and emotion was combined with the vibration of the virtue of Compassion then sent to the receiver, the Grace would be magnified and the receiver would benefit greatly from the effect.  This is the place from whence miracles are created and manifested!

Grace is the energy of love, healing, and the eradication of fear.  Fear is the absence of Grace; as fear is generated from the ego mind and Grace is generated from the heart.  One can ask and receive Grace if they operate from the ego mind, however they will not have the full benefit of the effect that Grace offers unless they are able to receive it within their heart, as the love that it is.  The heart virtue of Humility is the receptor vibration of Grace.  Fear does not allow the heart virtues to flourish and achieve their full potential.  Fear shuts down heart consciousness and alienates Grace.

One cannot thrive while in the state of fear.  Fear wears many faces.  Sometimes fear is so obscure that one does not know they are operating within it.  If you practice the heart virtues but yet find judgement is something you ‘practice’ consistently, you are not within the State of Grace.  Judgement is fear based and more common than any other type of fear.  Doubt, worry, and stress are also fear based emotions and keep the ego mind in full force.  Consciously realizing you are in the state of fear, and going within to find the basis of that fear, will offer instant Grace from your heart for healing.  Anytime that your awareness is consciously focused upon something within (fear for example) for which you request healing, it will be answered with Grace.  This can be noticed through emotion.  The hearts response will generate an emotion for you to work with that will inspire more Grace.  And so begins the healing process within!  This process will continue as you consciously request (through prayer/intention) it, and work with belief, faith, and trusting in yourself to heal through Grace.

Conscious awareness of the differences between thoughts and emotions that arise in your experience will guide you to Graceful living and thriving within and without your life.  This will lead to a life of wonder and illumination of the Grace filled existence you long for and deserve!

Be Well, Be Love


Change is a necessary part of evolution.  The more difficult the change means that you are ready for a leap in your consciousness, and this shift is felt more within your heart.

You are entering a time where ‘heart consciousness’ is the next phase of your expansion.  Feeling, reasoning, and living from heart centered consciousness is the pathway of the new heart centered existence.  Setting the intention to flow with this transformation is the first step toward tuning in to, and opening the door to this wave of solidarity.

The saying ‘be the change you want to see in the world’ is truly the reflection of ‘as within, so without’.  The progression of your life has been riddled with challenges of all kinds, but these were growth steps in your development to bring you to this place, here and now.  Change is challenging, and the current changes are connected to the truth coming to the forefront of your awareness.  All change at this time is meant for you to become conscious of the awareness that resides within reflected in what you see, hear, and do.  The discovery of this connection reveals to you the advent that oneness is everything connected to everything.  The purpose that underlies your development and growth creates the change that you experience, and are experiencing now.  There are no accidents or mistakes.  Your reaction to change sets off the next steps in your evolution.  The electromagnetic response you emit draws to you the next set of events to further your cause, or change your course.  When you have reached the conclusion of a growth cycle, change is signaled to start a new cycle.  This new cycle is the next step in your evolutionary process, which is at this time related to what your path of service in this lifetime truly is.

Allowing change to assist you with your spiritual awakening is the key to the metamorphosis of your life.  As was mentioned in an earlier post, aligning the heart with the mind was a step toward initiating this new reality within.  When the heart and the mind are melded and operating as one, changes of all kinds will initiate bringing your life new meaning and saturating your being with the light of new awareness.  When the change that comes upon you is accepted with understanding and humility, you are opening your heart to the next level of consciousness.  This does not mean that it is easy, as this is a major transformation of shifting from an ego centered life to a heart centered life!  Allowing this to flow within your being will fill you with the grace of acceptance and well being.

Be Well, Be Love