

We are in the process of major upgrades connected to our spiritual consciousness through cleansing and reconstruction. In addition, it is also a time of divine remuneration and restructuring.

To be ready for this all judgement should be released and forgiveness must prevail! There is no other way but through living and conceiving The Heart Virtues. This will require focus away from the distractions being placed before you. Whether you decide to do this now or later it will be required for ascension protocol.

Evolution is the purpose for your soul’s progression, and it has been delayed long enough. This is not what the current world wants for you, and that is why there are so many distractions to keep your focus off your soul’s empowerment. Might you be feeling the disparity within? Do you feel the need to stay occupied and busy right now? This is due to the ones that know we are on the edge of a great spiritual revelation, and they don’t want an awakened people. If you focus on your spiritual nature, you will feel the truth of it, and this is not going to support their current narrative. You are headed for enlightenment; that is the foundation of an awakening consciousness. This is the bridge between your levels of ascent toward connecting your Divine mind with your highest self.

Your spiritual path and progress does not lie outside of yourself. It is within your being and the confirmation of this comes from the development of the sacred triangle within your being connecting your heart, mind, and soul to create the expansion and expression of the Divine Mind. You can feel the changes within every part of your being. You have a major upgrade to your DNA happening now and it is increasing your levels of awareness. You may experience this in smells, tastes, feelings, and thoughts. Every part of your being is changing and expanding into a new way of experiencing and expressing yourself. You are not the same person you were. You may feel somewhat lost at times, and this is nothing to be concerned with. You are expanding and shifting on all levels! It is a good thing and should be allowed to progress.

You will find yourself at peace once you let go of expectations. Mastering the consistent feeling of peace lies within your ability to allow yourself to flow with the expansion and changes that you are feeling as truth within your being. It is not an easy progression, but yet you know this, and should still proceed. This is what you are here to do! You are the change you wish to behold, and it is believable! There is no where else that you will find the ‘answers’, for they are not readable, they are only felt through the new senses that are you are developing. You have always been an energetic being, and now you must tune into that reality for everything is based on energetics, frequencies, and electromagnetics. With the reconnection and expansion of your DNA, you are finding yourself ‘knowing’ when things are in alignment or are fragmented and distorted. It is a disposition of frequencial attunement to all layers of your being that are in concert with the highest version of yourself and the Universe at large. Yes!, you can connect to the Universal stream of love that comes from Source Consciousness through the trust you place in your higher self to guide you and expand your grace.

It is now time to awaken to the reason for your existence at this time. You are here to make a difference and in knowing this you will accomplish this most sacred mission.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️


Fear vs. Love

It is a time of belief, faith, and trust. Know within that you are part of something bigger, something older, something wiser. This is the connection that is always there with your Source, your Creator, the One that has given you the spark of life, through truth, that created you out of love.

Fear is what stops you from feeling this connection. Fear is a major function of the programming that you have been indoctrinated with from birth. Fear lies within your ego mind and fear triggers a negative emotion within your heart and soul. Love is your original foundation and lies within your heart and soul; fear is generated from the mind alone. The reason for this is because fear is not part of your spiritual self; only love is.

The mind is the first to receive input from environmental and outside stimulus. In most people information is received by the ego mind and either love or fear are generated as the first response to the information. This stimulus is then felt emotionally and categorized as fear or love within the mind. The emotional level of the fear or love is accentuated by what it connects to within your inner being. This is where your soul/spirit stores your experiences from the ego mind and has processed it using the programming that created your previous beliefs. Whatever beliefs lie within your being both emotionally and/or physically, enhances the fear or love that you are experiencing in your mind about the incoming information. This means that whatever exists within that has not been healed, cleansed, and cleared will enhance and magnify only fear. This will then generate belief about the incoming stimulus and store this information within your inner being. This unconscious reaction is then used as a filter with all of your perceptions.

Therein lies the need for healing any unfinished business that may be stored within your being. This healing is done by the spiritual self using the heart virtues as the guide for checking and healing any past experiences and programming. I have written about this in many of the previous posts on this site in great detail. When the heart virtues are practiced and used in healing, cleansing, and clearing the inner being, a syntax is then created for all incoming experiences and data. After the healing with the heart virtues this syntax will be one of loving consequence and will enhance the spiritual self illuminating the stimulus or data with light that will broadcast out to the information, and modify its frequency into that of grace and peace. Fear cannot exist as your experience when this synergy is in place. This means you can change the frequency of the environment or stimulus with your state of consciousness through Divine Mind. Divine mind is the joining of the healed and reconfigured ego mind using the heart virtues in concert with the spiritual self. This means that all incoming information generates thought through the loving filter of the heart mind known as Divine mind.

Fear cannot exist in the presence of love and living the heart virtues as your foundation generates only love. When you heal your inner realm it changes your perception and when you live the heart virtues the grace you emit can change the world!

Be Well, Be Love ❤️

Sofia ~ Evolution

Many changes are currently happening that are necessary and needed.  A lot of these changes are causing huge amounts of stress and separation consciousness, and this is all meant for change, growth, and healing to take place.  Outside influences are the biggest precursors to change, and although you may not understand it, there is something that responds to these situations within.

The current situations are all meant for expansion and evolution of the soul/spirit within each one; individually and collectively.  There are no more ‘fences’, and this means that there is no reprieve or delay in your process.  All must be dealt with internally and it is a very personal process.  The end result is finding your place of peace, for when that is the status of most, it will be there for all!

Peace cannot be achieved through the ego.  It is only when the heart has been activated and engrained that the ego can be joined with the heart to create Divine Mind.  The ego is a motivator, in that it shows us where we are out of alignment with the heart virtues.  It then plays a very important role in the healing and purification of our internal self so that the heart consciousness of our physical self can be melded with our Spiritual Self.  This then aligns us with what we want; which is to be happy, healthy, and whole!

Knowing that it is an individual internal process helps us to understand that the journey is within.  There is nothing outside of us that holds the answers.  The search for answers is what drives us toward the awakening of our Spiritual Nature.  There are many forms of inspiration to assist us with this most important goal.  This blog is a valuable tool to that end amongst other writings, classes, teachers, etc.  These are all forms of inspiration, that lead you to answers that you will only find within, as it is specific to your personal path and process.  You are as unique as nature!  Your soul has a special purpose, and if you look into your life you will see it.  You are special.  You are the only one like you!  That makes your journey your own.

Let’s talk distraction.  Knowing that the ego is a great motivator, it is also your biggest hurdle toward Spiritual evolution.  The egos job is three-fold; 1. To create distraction to keep you from evolving, and 2. To control you to keep you firmly entrenched in the 3D illusion and, 3. To police yourself and others, to take you back to number 1.  The egos attempt at distraction is ongoing.  It is part of your programming that is innate to your physical self.  That is what makes it so hard to deal with.  It is a great promoter of separation consciousness which is its ultimate goal, for when you engage in unity consciousness you will find that we are all one created by and from the same Source.  Knowing this gives the heart consciousness power and control thus leaving the ego by the way side.  So, the first step is being consciously aware of the distractions and not allowing them to interfere with and derail your spiritual evolution.

Why should you be concerned about evolving spiritually?  Because that is what we are all here to do.  We are not here to have the most money or have the biggest/best house or car.  We are here to evolve; Spiritually, Mentally, and Emotionally.  We are given the best environment for this journey; a physical incarnation.  What a grand gift it is to be here and have this opportunity!  What you must remind yourself of is to keep it as simple as possible.  One step at a time.  Ask for help from within.  It will come to you in the form of information, grace, and teachers that will come into your life.  Drop the drama and incite your Spirit!  It will lead you to levels of happiness and joy within and show you a life of flow that lacks crisis, chaos, and conflict.

This is how to be the change you want to see in the world!