Christmas Blessing

I am created out of the One Source of infinite life.  All that I am comes from this One Source, one life, one mind, one intelligence.  This One is the source of all power to create, to heal, and to bless.  It is a powerful source of healing and of restoration.  There is nothing that cannot be accomplished by the power of this One.

Every idea I’ve ever had has come from this one perfect intelligence.  Every desire has arisen from it.  Every dream has its roots deep in this Source.  I choose today to realize that my dreams and desires for my life, whatever they may be, come from this Source with all that is needed to bring them into full fruition.  I’m never given and idea without the accompanying power and ability to bring it into full form.

Today, I reassess the dreams I hold for my life.  I think deeply about what I would have my life contain.  Knowing that Spirit can accomplish anything I truly believe in, I set my sights on a higher vision, and know that the power of Spirit can and does fill this potent vision with its creative power and wisdom.  Today I accept that this infinite power is right now flowing through the ideas I have for a life of love, compassion, abundance, and joy.  Whatever my vision, Spirit now fills it with itself.  I am also filled with this powerful spiritual presence, and I know it.

And it is good.  And so it is. 

State of Being

As the crisis, chaos, and conflict seems to continue, I am reminded of the peace that the heart virtues bring within.

We are in a time of deep fluctuation and change.  There is no other time like this, and that is because people are starting to awaken and draw to themselves the truth that exists, and always has.  There has never been a time before when the truth is there for all to see, if one just looks.  This resonates with your heart as you know it to be true.  What then is revealed to you is the truth you hold within; that you are an enigmatic being that holds within your heart the ability to know and express truth with love.  There is no other reason to exist, other than to evolve and grow from where you are at the current time to the next moment.  All that surrounds to you is taking you on that journey, and that is the only journey there is.  Your free will choice is what part of that journey you are willing to participate in, knowing it is that simple.

There is much out there to sideline your mission, and that is apparent within your life.  The biggest hurdle of all is the ego, for it is the egos job to keep you distracted from your true purpose; which is to evolve.  The outer stimuli that is created by others’ egos in the world works to connect with your ego to feed it energy to keep the illusion intact, and on a purposeful course.  That is to say that the egos main job is to deter love from existing within and so, without.

Love is of itself not a grand and glorious state of being?  If it were so, why is there so much lack of it in the world?  Love is an emotion and a feeling, but more than that, it is a state of being.  It holds within it the powers of the heart; the heart virtues, and it can be much more powerful than anything else.  So, the struggles are between the ego and the heart, each one holding power, and the good news is the heart can overcome!

The ego holds sway keeping the mind at bay until the heart converts it to Divine Mind.  This is not an agenda of the heart like the one the ego holds.  When the egos agenda is apparent you will find yourself immersed, if ever so slightly, in the world of an illusion created by the ego.  This distraction pulls you in with opinions and judgements over things that seem to be worthy, but what is truly worthy of your time and attention?  It goes back to the old adage of ‘if it feels good do it, if not, don’t’.

Too much is ignored about how something or someone makes you feel.  No one has control over this but you.  This is not easy, and the healing that should be done when things surface within, such as feelings, is daunting at times.  There has been much discussion about healing in this blog.  Healing is the starting place to remove the ‘fodder’ that feeds the ego, to keep your heart suppressed.  The heart virtues cannot activate without healing taking place.  Grace is the energy that feeds the healing process.  It is there for anyone to access that sets the intention to heal.  Healing needs to take place to ‘convert’ the ego.  Without internal fear and pain the ego cannot function as a destructive force.  When healing takes place the ego is transformed, it blends with the heart and your life is projected without fear!  This means that love is your state of being and when this happens all that is drawn to you is a reflection of your internal state of being.  What would the world look like if we infused it with this state of being, this energy?

Healing starts as an intention, and the work begins with your feelings as your guide toward wellness and expression of that clarity of being.  We cannot transform our outer world without transforming the inner one.  When we stop resisting the healing that needs to take place, we can transform the ego which will end the judgements.  It’s the judgement that keeps the ego in motion.  Allowing perspicacity to take the place of improper judgement is the answer.  Using proper discernment is a loving expression for yourself which then means it will be loving for your world and the world at large.

Desiring to and finding a way for loving expression within and without, is called for now.  Open to the idea of doing this work within and have the courage to take each step along the way.  Measure your success in each moment and it will unfold before you as a work of love.  Transformation such as this is a process, and must be done over a string of moments.  This is the real process of spiritual evolution and what we are truly here to accomplish.  Finding your way back to the purity of your being is the one journey we are all on together.  It is the only one that counts!

Be Well, Be Love

Peace and Contentment

There is much to be thankful for during this season of peace and contentment.  So much has transpired and it seems that everything is changing, or will be.

The changes that have taken place have opened new pathways to connect your heart with your mind.  Some of these changes have ‘the ego on the run’ and glimpses of contentment can be found within.

A new-found connection and understanding of the 8 heart virtues (compassion, understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation, valor, acceptance, and allowing) is the bridge from the state of change to peace and contentment.  There is much to be said for embracing change without fear and resistance.  This is to say that during change the ego may create CCC (crisis, chaos, conflict); as it may want to create suffering through resistance when change is present.  Peace and contentment can be found under the rocks of CCC, for change is inevitable through this alchemy.

There are two opportunities with any change that is presented.  One is resistance and the other is expansion.  One offers suffering while the other creates opportunity for healing and spiritual attainment.  Every opportunity that change presents is duly suited for a clearer connection to your Higher Self through a vibrational equivalent.  Processing change starts within the mind and completes within the heart.  This then instills clarity of being and elevates your frequency match with your Higher Self.  There are no shortcuts around growth and expansion, and this is why you are here.

As you accept change within your life the blessings come forward.  These are the harbingers of peace and contentment.  When one cannot find the blessings within a situation of change, there is resistance.  Resistance comes from the ego and cannot be transmuted.  Change would not appear in your life if you weren’t ready or didn’t call it forth.  Change is intrinsic to life and vice versa.  Some changes are welcome, and some are not.  All change creates hidden opportunity for expansion.  There cannot be change without expansion, even with resistance.  Resistance shows you where change needs to take place.  That is a blessing!  Resistance is tied to the ego which accesses the place within you that needs to be healed.  If one decides not to proceed with change, the resistance within will grow.  This will lead to another form of change being presented to you with more facets.  Faceted changes are more likely to create CCC.  This is where change can become unmanageable.  Starting with and practicing the 8 heart virtues will aid one in this situation breaking apart the faceted change to more manageable parts.

There is nothing that cannot be healed through the Heart Virtues!  The heart restores all life and blesses ones being.  The heart tempers the ego without struggle, and imparts a new dimension of goodness to its processes.  When this happens, new pathways open within that lead to living peace and contentment.  This then, allows you to expand your experience to include more complex forms of change that add to the flavor of your journey!

Be Well, Be Love


What is happiness? Where does it come from? Is it a state of mind or does it come from the heart?

Happiness is a state of being as true happiness is generated from the heart. Happiness is found when there is a state of peace that exists within. The expression of peace is happiness.

Peace is the natural state of the heart. When the heart is activated and healing has (or is in the process) of taking place, peace is the state of consciousness the heart reflects. The synergy between the mind and the heart must be clear and in divine repose. If the ego is active, its ‘job’ is to prevent peace from happening. The egos job is to prevent healing from taking place. Its function is to create crisis, chaos, and conflict (see previous posts ), as its purpose is to uphold and strengthen the illusion of separation.

When all parts of ones being are in harmony, happiness and peace are the by product and glorious state of being. This means that you cannot truly be pulled from your center. At this stage, it is of the utmost to stay in alignment with this vibration to connect with the highest consciousness of your being to assist others with their processes. You become a beacon of hope, and your frequency meets that of enlightenment and ascension. This state of being is important to all of humanity, as it accelerates healing and connectivity to the hearts of all ones currently on the same path.

If your heart is activated from healing and is restored to its divine state of creation, its love is brought forth and the ego mind cannot withstand the frequency. This amalgamation transforms the ego into divine mind. This state of holiness becomes your natural state of being and from this place you can create miracles!

The reality of this state of being is the ‘mustard seed’ of truth, and the vibration of truth cannot be withheld. Truth only speaks to itself and when it is present, healing and clarity can come forth. Truth is the first step of deep healing and restoration. Truth happens outside of the illusion that is separation. True love cannot exist without truth, and nothing that is not of truth can exist within the current frequency and vibration.

When you heal within, you find your truth. When you find your truth, you activate your heart. When you activate your heart, you radiate love. When you radiate love, you transform your mind. When your mind and heart work as one, you create peace within. This state of consciousness emanates within and without as happiness!

Be Well, Be Love 


Seeing is believing and trusting is believing without seeing.  To rise above the ego mind and trust is far more difficult than anything …. other than faith.  Faith and trust are very similar in that there is no proof that they exist.  Trust is a value as is faith, and both come from the same place, the heart.

Why should you develop trust?  Trust allows the truth to come forward and faith allows you to believe in it.  Trust is really in one’s self, as you are the one who allows it.  You must believe in yourself and your heart to be fully connected to trust.  If you trust someone else, you have faith [believe] in them enough to trust them [truth].  If you trust a situation or event will turn out the way you want it to, you must first know your part in it as you must be in perfect truth for the outcome to be assured.  There is another side to this as well in that you must always trust that things will be as they are meant to be, and only 100% of the time!  There are no accidents or mistakes and all is on perfect timing and task.  This is how the Universe was created, and when you trust in its perfection and have faith in your process, everything in your life will reflect that power [love].

Trust and faith put the 10 heart virtues into action.  Without these foundational values nothing else will work.  Trust and faith are facets of love.  For example, forgiveness is rooted in love with faith that you trust yourself to believe in the forgiveness you are enacting.  Compassion and understanding are an extension of love trusting that it will be received and make a difference.  Each virtue carries with it love consciousness [through the heart] with trust and faith as the processors.  As your awareness of this increases the more powerful your heart virtues become, and you turn into a mighty beacon of light and love!

With trust and faith there are no mistakes.  Since these values work with the heart in the pure expression of truth, there can be no mistakes; as mistakes are only an illusion of the ego mind used to create fear and project weakness.  When one is working with truth, the ego mind is not active and cannot create the illusion of mistakes or weakness, as truth is strength and directly connected to and operating from the heart.

The vibration of truth is such that it corrects all things existing within a situation or process and cannot be diluted.  This means that truth is without ‘mistakes’ (sic) and love is its foundation.  When truth is expressed, trusted, and believed it cannot uphold any illusion.  This means that reality is based on truth and illusion is created and maintained from the ego mind.  When you can trust your heart and have faith in yourself you live in truth and your reality is without illusion.  The reflections of ego such as fear, dismay, sadness, degradation, anger, and disillusionment cannot reside in a heart conscious being.  This is the key to your spiritual evolution and your guidelines to living a life based in reality where only happiness, joy, and peace are the cornerstones of your existence.

Trust your heart and have faith in yourself.

Be Well, Be Love ♥


What is grace?  Grace is the energy created out of pure love.  It is the energy that comes from the vibrations of the 10 Virtues (see Sacrednicity, Peace Within).  Grace is given to all that ask for it, and it is the foundation of all healing and restoration.  Grace is also a state of being i.e. ‘In the state of Grace’.

When you ask for assistance through prayer, Grace is given to the subject of the prayer and is bestowed upon the one that is asking.  Prayers are generated through intention.  The prayer [intention] that is generated calls out to the vibration of the heart virtue that will assist in answering the intention [prayer].  This then creates an emotion from the heart that adds power and strength to the intention.  This energy vibration [emotion] creates and magnifies the Grace that is sent to the subject of the prayer.  When this Grace is received it adds to the vibration and frequency of the receiver, and gives strength to the intention from which it was created.  This is why multiple persons creating the same prayer [intention] works so well.  The power of Grace sent to one specific person or place will modify the receiver and surround them with the vibration of the Grace that was originated.  For instance, if the intention was for healing, and emotion was combined with the vibration of the virtue of Compassion then sent to the receiver, the Grace would be magnified and the receiver would benefit greatly from the effect.  This is the place from whence miracles are created and manifested!

Grace is the energy of love, healing, and the eradication of fear.  Fear is the absence of Grace; as fear is generated from the ego mind and Grace is generated from the heart.  One can ask and receive Grace if they operate from the ego mind, however they will not have the full benefit of the effect that Grace offers unless they are able to receive it within their heart, as the love that it is.  The heart virtue of Humility is the receptor vibration of Grace.  Fear does not allow the heart virtues to flourish and achieve their full potential.  Fear shuts down heart consciousness and alienates Grace.

One cannot thrive while in the state of fear.  Fear wears many faces.  Sometimes fear is so obscure that one does not know they are operating within it.  If you practice the heart virtues but yet find judgement is something you ‘practice’ consistently, you are not within the State of Grace.  Judgement is fear based and more common than any other type of fear.  Doubt, worry, and stress are also fear based emotions and keep the ego mind in full force.  Consciously realizing you are in the state of fear, and going within to find the basis of that fear, will offer instant Grace from your heart for healing.  Anytime that your awareness is consciously focused upon something within (fear for example) for which you request healing, it will be answered with Grace.  This can be noticed through emotion.  The hearts response will generate an emotion for you to work with that will inspire more Grace.  And so begins the healing process within!  This process will continue as you consciously request (through prayer/intention) it, and work with belief, faith, and trusting in yourself to heal through Grace.

Conscious awareness of the differences between thoughts and emotions that arise in your experience will guide you to Graceful living and thriving within and without your life.  This will lead to a life of wonder and illumination of the Grace filled existence you long for and deserve!

Be Well, Be Love

Frequency and Energy

As the current dimensional frequency becomes more integrated into your being, the clearer you are within and the more love you become.

Waking up to the fact that you are energetic beings and mostly water [physically] means that you are affected by frequency more than you know.  When you feel something, it is your internal reaction to energy.  The reaction you have to the feeling within sends forth the energy you create, and is felt by others.  This energy is more powerful than words and has an effect on everything and everyone in your environment.  Nothing is ever lost, and that means the energy you create is felt by all.

Because of this you are also receivers of frequency.  Frequency carries within it information, and this information can be coded by the source.  Your heart and mind are generators of frequency, and you code it with thoughts and feelings.  This is your creator ability, and can easily be manifested as you create your life from this place.  What you think and feel draws to you the same from other sources.  You get back what you put forth, and only this.  That is why some people never change their reactions to you even though you want them to.  If you have not changed the energy of your thoughts or feelings the frequency of them does not change.  You cannot hide what you are as it is your truth that speaks from the frequency you put forth.

The soul is the receiver of the experience that is generated from the frequency and energetic interplay.  This experience creates the evolution of your being and generates wisdom.  This wisdom is what continues to guide your mind and heart creating the evolution of your being.  This is where the phrase ‘you are what you think about’ comes from, although it is much more than that.

As you evolve you tune into the higher frequencies that are available and these frequencies elevate your thoughts and feelings to create more clarity within, and your experiences start to change.  This signals expansion of your awareness and more of your consciousness is activated.  When this happens the mind delineates thoughts and the energy you send forth directly encapsulates this higher frequency and combines it with the heart [feelings] to heighten your experience and spur your evolution.  When you experience this consciously you understand the process and your soul expands exponentially!

These are the points of conscious awareness that align with the true sense of who you really are.  Finding your way to peace, happiness, and joy lies within this loving sense of being.

Be Well, Be Love

Alignment with Intention

Aligning with your intentions is the will of your being matching the frequency of your intention.  This is the energy you put into the intention of Who You Really Are and the decree you have set forth for your life.

You are a being of magnificence and energetic vibration.  If you have lost the connection to yourself these writings have been created to help you find your way back to the essence of WYRA.  You are not the summation of your conquests and creations, although those were created by you as set forth by your intentions, however you are much more than that.  You have immersed yourself in the requirements of your ego, and most don’t even know it!

Last week’s post was about your thoughts.  Thoughts are the summaries of your true intentions that are coming forth for you to act upon.  What are you thinking?  A runaway mind is like a runaway on the streets; afraid and grabbing on to whatever is in the room at the time.  It is time for deliberate thinking and focusing upon your intentions.  This is aligning your soul with your heart and mind.  This forms the Trinity of your Being and unifying yourself is a sacred process.  This is your life’s path and one that requires the work be done within.

Your true reason for being here has nothing to do with what degree you have, how much money you have, how many children or grandchildren you have, or how many hardships you have endured.  It has to do with your Spiritual Evolution.  You were born as a twig that had a few roots.  What does your tree (life) look like now?  What have you done in your life to create your evolutionary path?  This the question of the now and if you have done the cleansing and healing within you are remade and ready to focus on your alignment with the Trinity of your being.

To know yourself is to know where you are in relation to everything and everyone around you.  It is to make each moment a deliberate act within and without towards your growth as a Spiritual Being.  The reality is that you are consumed by things that don’t matter to your life’s path, and think that if you do what’s best for you it will be what’s best for everyone around you.   This is partially true as you are responsible for your energy and vibration and what you send out into the world, but there is more.  Uniting those parts of yourself that aren’t consciously merged without setting the intention to do so is like buying a house without an inspection to know if all the parts of the home are strengthened and support each other.  If there is one weak part the whole foundation is at risk.  If it is made well and maintained it will stand forever.  Most will find their weakness resides within their thoughts.  This weakens the connection to the heart and soul as it is the biggest and most challenging of your incarnation.  We were not created to fear, and yet that is the most prevalent part of the basis of your thoughts.  What would happen if you didn’t have any fear?  How would that change you and those around you?

Alignment with the intention of your being and Who You Really Are is the current and greatest challenge of your life.  This must be done without any outside influence or teaching, and is the part of your path that lies within.  It’s the sacred part of your life’s path that is guided by the Source of your being, and it starts with intention.

Be Well, Be Love

Overcoming Judgement

Judgement is the stronghold of the ego, and it is the hardest to detect!

Judgement is laced within all actions, thoughts, and even intended good deeds of the heart, and yet judgement is the ego in disguise. Some feel they use discernment in place of judgement, and there is a way to tell if this is the case. Does your discernment feel loving for all involved, or does it carry a winner/loser energy? There is a way to exist in everyday life without feeling an urge to use judgement. We have been programmed to believe in right/wrong or good/bad. This thinking and believing creates judgement of some kind. If we can stretch to come from a place of ‘good for all concerned’ vs. ‘good for me and mine’, we will enhance our experience to create the peace and joy we all deserve!

Questioning the intentions behind your beliefs is a major component of judgement vs. discernment. Knowing that you are coming from heart centered awareness will keep you safe, because there are those that feel fearful which creates a need to protect themselves and others by using judgements. This is one justification used for being judgmental, and there was a time when it made perfect sense. This doesn’t work with heart centered awareness and consciousness for it perpetuates fear, and we all know that fear and love cannot coexist. We are working towards a better world for ourselves and our planet, and in order to do so it is important to change from judgements to discernment.

Judgement is the basis of drama and conflict. This brings us back to distraction from what really matters, and is a form of ‘entertainment’ for the ego mind. In the end, this type of entertainment does not make you feel better, nor does it lead anywhere. It is like a wheel that keeps you going round and round taking you nowhere. Not only will this generate layers of drama and distraction, it will also keep you from heart centered awareness and stymie your evolutionary progress. We are at a place of progression spiritually and this requires clarity and focus. Do you not feel the tug of expansion in your life? We are on the precipice of a new world while we watch the crescendo of light build, and the old crumble and fall. We can choose to fly and know that all is truly well if we intend it so.

Blessing yourself and others by allowing and intending the best and highest expression to generate from any source, is a form of grace that will create the most loving outcome. We are at a place of working on the transformation of judgement, in all its forms, to emanate an energy of compassion and understanding. Set this intention and watch the transformation occur within your thoughts!

Be Well, Be Love


Much is happening to create discord as fear increases within and without. With fear being generated at these levels it means that things are being shaken up enough to release it out into the world. There are those that see this happening and know what it truly is.

When the darkest parts of Oneself is activated, it creates the opportunity to observe what is available for healing if desired, and how to heal it. When healing is not initiated the fear is released. Fear cannot reside within without finding release. This fear then joins with like energy and draws experience to the person releasing the fear. This is a continuous cycle until something changes, for fear begets fear and everything has a breaking point.

Observation of fear shows the person what is generated within; fear or compassion. This reveals what lies within Ones being, and is a guideline for truth. When One has healed the darkness from their being, and encounters fear, compassion is stimulated. This compassion is used to diffuse the fear and send grace to the heart of the darkness that created the fear. This creates opportunity for a moment of clarity and a feeling of peace within that place of darkness. When enough compassion is sent forth to a situation or person, the outcome can be changed as compassion dissipates fear.  Therefore the darkness that generated the fear is met with copious amounts of compassion, which is pure love. When this compassion is generated from a healed source with clarity of being, it creates miraculous results! Not only does it diffuse the fear, but it creates an instantaneous healing!  This gives One in fear clarity and opportunity to look at what the issues are that need to be transformed.  The more compassion One emits, the more light and clarity are generated, and the more powerful the compassion becomes in its ability to heal and transform fear and darkness.

The more work that is done with the virtue of compassion, the more One is transformed within and inspiration is generated for the conversion from fear to love.

Be Well, Be Love