Seasonal Love

T’is the season to be happy, healthy, and whole!

The season of gratitude and thanksgiving has just passed leading into the season of love and acceptance with the season of new beginnings to follow after that.  There is a reason for the alignment of the seasons to follow each other, one after the other at the end of the year and beginning of the next.  The seasons follow the succession of the integration of the heart virtues leading up to the harvest of the work you have done internally through the year.

This has been an extremely challenging year of change and transformation; cleansing, healing, clarifying, purging, and refining the spiritual nature of your being.  There are some that have had a difficult time transforming their lives into clarity and alignment with what is going on within.  This is the nature of the spirit; to evolve, grow and expand into another higher and more expressive vibration of love and peace.  This cannot be accomplished unless the spiritual work is done within first, through the healing process of removing resistance to ‘what is’ that can be transformed into light.

The lessons that lead to this wondrous journey are called heart virtues.  There is a willingness that one must have to walk the path of the heart virtues and the succession of awareness that is built each step of the way leading you on to the next virtue to uncover any resistance (fear) that your past programming reveals to you along the way.  The journey sounds complex, but it doesn’t have to be.  The part that is most difficult is the judgement and resistance that reveals itself when there is a conflict of interest.  These are the pockets of stored information from early installations of experiences you did not know what to do with, and so it was tucked away where it is not consciously dealt with unless something happens to trigger that information.  That brings the information to the conscious mind and is revealed and brought to the surface for contemplation and healing.  The virtues of compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and humility can transmute this information turning it to love through understanding the true lesson and purpose of the information.  There is something to be gained by this information no matter what it is, and sometimes it is merely the reinforcement of the virtues that are learned and practiced through the revelation of the stored information. This process continues as you convert your judgements and resistance to love through the virtues of:

  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Understanding
  • Gratitude
  • Appreciation
  • Acceptance
  • Valor
  • Humility

There is nothing that cannot be transformed into the higher vibration of love through the practice, implementation, and integration of the heart virtues within your being.

May this season of love bring you the happiness, joy, and peace that resides within a healed heart and divine mind.

Be Well, Be Love


What is grace?  Grace is the energy created out of pure love.  It is the energy that comes from the vibrations of the 10 Virtues (see Sacrednicity, Peace Within).  Grace is given to all that ask for it, and it is the foundation of all healing and restoration.  Grace is also a state of being i.e. ‘In the state of Grace’.

When you ask for assistance through prayer, Grace is given to the subject of the prayer and is bestowed upon the one that is asking.  Prayers are generated through intention.  The prayer [intention] that is generated calls out to the vibration of the heart virtue that will assist in answering the intention [prayer].  This then creates an emotion from the heart that adds power and strength to the intention.  This energy vibration [emotion] creates and magnifies the Grace that is sent to the subject of the prayer.  When this Grace is received it adds to the vibration and frequency of the receiver, and gives strength to the intention from which it was created.  This is why multiple persons creating the same prayer [intention] works so well.  The power of Grace sent to one specific person or place will modify the receiver and surround them with the vibration of the Grace that was originated.  For instance, if the intention was for healing, and emotion was combined with the vibration of the virtue of Compassion then sent to the receiver, the Grace would be magnified and the receiver would benefit greatly from the effect.  This is the place from whence miracles are created and manifested!

Grace is the energy of love, healing, and the eradication of fear.  Fear is the absence of Grace; as fear is generated from the ego mind and Grace is generated from the heart.  One can ask and receive Grace if they operate from the ego mind, however they will not have the full benefit of the effect that Grace offers unless they are able to receive it within their heart, as the love that it is.  The heart virtue of Humility is the receptor vibration of Grace.  Fear does not allow the heart virtues to flourish and achieve their full potential.  Fear shuts down heart consciousness and alienates Grace.

One cannot thrive while in the state of fear.  Fear wears many faces.  Sometimes fear is so obscure that one does not know they are operating within it.  If you practice the heart virtues but yet find judgement is something you ‘practice’ consistently, you are not within the State of Grace.  Judgement is fear based and more common than any other type of fear.  Doubt, worry, and stress are also fear based emotions and keep the ego mind in full force.  Consciously realizing you are in the state of fear, and going within to find the basis of that fear, will offer instant Grace from your heart for healing.  Anytime that your awareness is consciously focused upon something within (fear for example) for which you request healing, it will be answered with Grace.  This can be noticed through emotion.  The hearts response will generate an emotion for you to work with that will inspire more Grace.  And so begins the healing process within!  This process will continue as you consciously request (through prayer/intention) it, and work with belief, faith, and trusting in yourself to heal through Grace.

Conscious awareness of the differences between thoughts and emotions that arise in your experience will guide you to Graceful living and thriving within and without your life.  This will lead to a life of wonder and illumination of the Grace filled existence you long for and deserve!

Be Well, Be Love

Blessings – Healing Pain/Fear

Life is full of blessings!  Everywhere you turn are opportunities to feel this grace and love.  The more you feel and acknowledge these energies the more that you radiate them out into the world.

All are in search for peace and understanding.  It may surprise you to know that there is more of this than not in the world as it is the core desire for most, and when this desire is strong it is met with nonresistance.  The only resistance lies within when forgiveness is not complete.  No one can accomplish this but you, and it has to be desired more than the pain that is so easy to hold on to.  Courage is necessary to face the fear of being at peace.  When one has only known pain, it becomes a source of strength.  If the pain were to be healed, the turmoil would end.

Fear creates a false sense of security.  Fear will no longer bring you the comfort you seek as it will not hold strong under the new frequency of love.  Clinging to pain and fear that is yet to be healed and released, will only bring you more need to generate pain and fear.  The diminishment of fear by those that have healed is increasing, so those that are left don’t have the energy of fear to draw from that used to exist.  Do you find yourself needing to be in pain more often and finding that when you are tuned into your pain that it is not satisfying?  Why would I say satisfying?  Because if it was not, you would let go of it.

The strength of the new frequency of love and light that is upon you is stronger than the internal derision you may have [for yourself].  An intent to heal and free yourself of the pain and fear no matter how strong will bring to you grace and support to accomplish this task!

Once you start this process, you must have the courage to continue the healing as it will involve everyone in your life.  As you begin healing and forgiveness in earnest, you will start to feel a strength come from within that feels different and unfamiliar.  This will feel peaceful and deliciously comforting to your being.  Your heart will start to send thoughts to your mind of loving this new feeling, and the evolution of your soul will initiate and draw to you new people and experiences.  It will be a whole being experience that opens new avenues of growth and expansion.  This will lead to new blessings and appreciation in your life that was blocked from you before.  The truth of your being will rush to the forefront of your mind helping you to ‘see with new eyes and hear with new ears’.  Eventually, the suffering will end and loneliness will diminish.  As you continue this process and each layer of pain and fear dissolves, a new understanding is initiated that will make the healing progress faster and with new found wisdom in procreating your life.  No longer will you ask the ‘whys’.  It will turn to gratitude and higher perspective of the spiritual nature of life.  No longer will you relate to fear and pain!  You will replace self-incrimination with love and it will shift those in your life. The ones that supported your painful self will fall away, and those that truly love you will start to change and react differently to you. It is truly miraculous if you will just see it through!

And, this is just the beginning …………..


Finding your way through the maze of your life is enhanced now with new frequencies coming in to raise your vibration.

If you have done the work that needs to be done, specifically multi-faceted healing through forgiveness with grace, you will find such things as miracles becoming frequent in your life!

There is much to be thankful for and contrast is being shown to you instantly, as you have obvious choices to make within each situation.  You can feel how each choice will produce a result, so you know in your heart of hearts what choice to make.  It doesn’t mean you will make that choice, as it will be harder for you to make than an easier one, but yet you know that the harder choice will be the one to provide you with transformation, clarity and hope.

Choosing love is not an easy choice in some situations especially where resistance is strongly felt.  Yet loving is always the right choice because everyone involved will benefit and the ripple effect is more pronounced.

The times that you are experiencing now are teaching you more about the 10 virtues, and currently the virtue of compassion is enhanced.  Compassion is a very important facet of forgiveness and carries within it the grace of honesty and imperfection.  Things are never as they seem, but this is changing.

As truth unfolds, the clarity of it carries a high frequency to raise the vibration of the one truly accepting and honoring it.  This is actually felt within the one accepting the truth, and the transformation that occurs enlivens the Spiritual part of oneself.

There is nothing to be afraid of.  In some, fear is a program that runs underneath everything.  You will find that fear is many times your first response to a situation.  If your faith is full you can trust and regardless of how things look, all will be fine.  This is a beautiful and loving place to be.  It is important to understand how clear the connection to your Spiritual self is operating.  If you feel even a slight amount of fear, finding out where it is coming from and why it is there is a deep concern for your current evolution.  Fear is designed to stop evolution and continue slavery to it [fear].  You cannot love and fear at the same time.  You are being given the opportunity now, within the current frequency, to heal and eradicate fear from your being and immerse yourself in the love that is who you really are.  The current frequency carries within it grace to match any intention that is of pure love.  Asking for this grace to assist you with healing the fear that resides within your being is assured.  Know this and act accordingly.  Through grace all things can be transformed and clarity is imminent.

Be Well, Be Love


Much is happening to create discord as fear increases within and without. With fear being generated at these levels it means that things are being shaken up enough to release it out into the world. There are those that see this happening and know what it truly is.

When the darkest parts of Oneself is activated, it creates the opportunity to observe what is available for healing if desired, and how to heal it. When healing is not initiated the fear is released. Fear cannot reside within without finding release. This fear then joins with like energy and draws experience to the person releasing the fear. This is a continuous cycle until something changes, for fear begets fear and everything has a breaking point.

Observation of fear shows the person what is generated within; fear or compassion. This reveals what lies within Ones being, and is a guideline for truth. When One has healed the darkness from their being, and encounters fear, compassion is stimulated. This compassion is used to diffuse the fear and send grace to the heart of the darkness that created the fear. This creates opportunity for a moment of clarity and a feeling of peace within that place of darkness. When enough compassion is sent forth to a situation or person, the outcome can be changed as compassion dissipates fear.  Therefore the darkness that generated the fear is met with copious amounts of compassion, which is pure love. When this compassion is generated from a healed source with clarity of being, it creates miraculous results! Not only does it diffuse the fear, but it creates an instantaneous healing!  This gives One in fear clarity and opportunity to look at what the issues are that need to be transformed.  The more compassion One emits, the more light and clarity are generated, and the more powerful the compassion becomes in its ability to heal and transform fear and darkness.

The more work that is done with the virtue of compassion, the more One is transformed within and inspiration is generated for the conversion from fear to love.

Be Well, Be Love

Peace Within

There are those that have resisted the changes within. They are finding themselves confused and agitated. It is a time of deconstruction and reconstruction all at the same time, and all are on the path of one or the other.
This is the time when the 8 Virtues are of supreme importance;

◊ Patience
◊ Understanding
◊ Tolerance
◊ Humility
◊ Valor
◊ Compassion
◊ Appreciation
◊ Forgiveness

Awareness of your inner self is the key to manifesting the connection with the vibration of love that is the Grace that surrounds Gaia at this time. This is the only path to peace, and tuning into this Grace will further enhance the clarity of your being. Then, and only then can you assist others to find their way towards peace within.

Peace cannot be established without the connection and practice of the 8 Virtues. Struggle within makes it challenging to make the connection and practice the virtues; but with Patience and Tolerance one will Understand and have Compassion to find Forgiveness and Appreciation with Humility, for themselves and others. Valor is called upon now with all the confusion happening from the inside thereby creating chaos without. Healing has been a conscious process, and is now able to be done without awareness, using Grace. Grace is penetrating the heart and activating it to heal each one from the inside out. This is why there is agitation in some for they are resisting the work required to heal within, and understanding being revealed within for others. This Grace is called upon through intention, as we have discussed before. If one’s intention is to heal or understand something, Grace responds working with the intelligence of the heart to motivate the intention. This draws answers to the one asking and the heart stimulates the healing so that it all happens simultaneously. If one rejects healing, a counteracting energy rejects the Grace and agitation is the result. When the one that is agitated meets with one that has evolved and carries a significant amount of Grace, the agitation will subside. This does not mean the one will be immediately healed, however if the one has asked for (set the intention) an answer for the agitation, the light from the evolved one will interact with their heart and dissolve the agitation significantly. A new understanding within will result and clarity will be given to be used for healing and forgiveness. This is why the ones in true need of healing are either coming forward and stepping into their power, or are shrinking back and withdrawing. There is a dramatic difference within those that are struggling, as their struggles are increasing losing their brevity, for they cannot withstand the frequency combined with the hearts vibratory alignment. The observation of this within others is obvious and draws compassion from those that have done the work.

This work within is connecting with Divine Mind to create a bond between Heaven and Gaia that is impenetrable and everlasting. The intention to evolve and ascend to the higher frequencial alignment cannot be undone. This is a time of major shifts and alignments through connecting to Higher Self. It cannot be avoided, but can be delayed. This is your free will choice; to allow your evolution or deny it.

Open to the truth of this information and allow the truth of your being to come forward and be lived from your heart. You are on the edge of the next dimensional wave of evolutionary alignment. It is a grand time to be here!

Be Well, Be Love

Your Being

There are 5 foundational bodies that create your Being. These bodies are; Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Etheric. These are the primary parts of your Being that interact with the world. There is information stored in each of these bodies, and they interact within your life differently. Each one has a ‘different point of view’ and lends some part if itself to each situation. Every experience you have stores information within these parts of your Being. You then recall and expand these parts of yourself with each experience. This is the evolution of your Being.

The healing process extends to each part of your Being. When healing takes place it is not complete until encompasses each body that is affected. This means that when one part of your Being is healed, situations that emulate the unhealed parts come forth to show you where the healing must continue. This is why the situations that arise [that you feel resistant to] are harder to deal with each time. Yet again, when pain is felt in all areas of your Being you don’t feel resistance to it. The reason could be because the pain feels very familiar, and with some people it is comfortable as they have always had the pain. When one part of your being heals this pain, and the other parts have not competed the healing, you might feel some resistance combined with anger associated with the current experience you are having. This is simply showing you the imbalance of your healing process. Knowing this will help you locate the part of your being that needs the healing, and realizing this will start or continue the healing process. This will increase your awareness with all parts of your Being and assist you with connecting all the parts of yourself to Oneness that will elevate your experience and create clarity of being!

You will feel and experience the healing when it is complete on all levels. The ‘memory’ of it will transform into light within your Being, making you expand and radiate this light to others, who with the unconscious recognition of the wellness, are attracted to you. This is one of the reasons people will interact with you out of the blue. The unhealed part of them recognizes the healed parts of you that they have yet to heal. This interaction with you gives that unhealed part of themselves the opportunity to feel the healed part of you, as your light communicates with their being and starts the initiation of healing, which continues long after their interaction with you. This is one of the ways that we can all make the world a better place by healing ourselves within!

When you set the intention to heal and evolve, ask for assistance with healing every level of your Being that is affected, and then commit to the healing no matter how difficult it may be. You can then experience and benefit from the higher frequencies and consciousness that exists here and now.

There is a tremendous amount of Grace that is here and now to assist you! Ask and you shall receive……..

Be Well, Be Love

Forgiveness is for You

Forgiveness is the most challenging of the six virtues. Yet, forgiveness is the key to evolution! The other six virtues cannot carry the evolution of your being without forgiveness.

Forgiveness starts with awareness. Being aware of something or someone that warrants your forgiveness is paramount to beginning the process. There are two parts to forgiveness. Forgiving the situation or person, and forgiving yourself. One cannot be forgiven without the other, for if you don’t forgive yourself, the act of forgiving is nullified as the pain is still there and nothing has truly been healed.

Forgiveness is a process of removing the need to blame someone or something for the pain you are feeling inside due to something happening that you have judged as an assault upon your being. This can be something you consciously experienced or something you have been programmed to believe. Either way, you believe you have been robbed of an opportunity to be happy. We are all responsible for our own happiness; either in understanding that we were temporarily under someone else’s jurisdiction, or the judgements we make because of feeling powerless. This belief or judgment creates resentment and becomes the pain that we feel in relation to the person or situation at the center of our being. The belief that the other person knew that they were causing you pain further exacerbates the experience causing you to feed the pain with more grief, and allowing further injury to occur. This is a never ending cycle of blame and self torture that grows making you a victim of your own misconceptions.

Forgiving is not an easy thing to do as it requires you to be responsible for the pain that you are feeling. The only way to forgive is to feel responsible for the pain and resentment you are feeling. No one can hurt you unless you allow them to do so. You were willing to allow someone to hurt you that was injured themselves. No one causes anyone pain unless they are in pain themselves. The question to ask yourself when potential injury arises is; what part inside of you is weak and subjective to injury by the other? Once this is identified, how can you strengthen that part of you to avoid further distortion or injury? Finding a way to avoid the situation from happening at all is the mark of an expanded consciousness and willingness to take responsibility for your being. This is the mark of a spiritually mature being, and requires courage to move past the need for acceptance and approval. Once you have discovered the power within yourself to provide all that you need, forgiveness can begin. You will actually want to forgive those you feel have wronged you as the imprint of their pain upon you is gone.

Forgiveness is for you. Although you feel it may be letting someone off the hook, you do not have that power. The person was ‘on the hook’ already and that is why they injured you, otherwise the situation would have never happened. Bring yourself to the point of being willing to forgive and you have come more than half way! The joy and happiness that lies on the other side of forgiveness will take you to newer heights of love and peace within. No one can do this for you, this is your expansion and personal Spiritual Awareness that only you can heal and empower. There is much grace here for you. Feel it and it will give you strength and will.  Be Well Be Love


Opening to truth at times is not an easy task, and yet that is what you must do. Despite all of the distractions in your life it is important to reach into the center of your being; the truth of your existence.

You are here to experience your life through your perceptions and personality, as no one else can be you. This makes your journey unique and special. You will never experience anything the same way twice, which means that you are expanding every moment of every day opening to new ways of being, possibilities, and ideas.

There are many distractions to keep you from discovering the truth. Distractions cannot keep you from the truth unless you want them to. This means that you may fear the truth. Knowing the truth is claiming responsibility for knowing it. And, because you know the truth, you may feel you must do something about it. What if you discovered truth and didn’t do anything about it? This will not happen, as discovering truth shifts your consciousness and elevates your awareness to match the vibration of the truth. You cannot ‘unknow’ something just as you cannot ‘unbe’ who you are! When you vibrate to the truth, you increase your frequency to meet authenticity and genuineness. This in turn adds peace, happiness, and joy to your experience.

How do you find the truth? Ask, and it shall be revealed to you. The pure intention of wanting to know the truth will create circumstances to have it revealed to you. It takes a great amount of courage and love to create the intention of finding the truth, and yet that is the key to your evolution and expansion. You are here to evolve. That is the truth. If you find yourself faced with a situation that requires you to look at the truth within, know that fear is not the answer; as that is what might come up first. Understand that there is nothing to be afraid of except fear itself. Simply observe what your reaction is to the truth, and uncover the reason for your reaction. If you are not uncovering truth, you are not evolving.

It is not easy to accept truth, and for times such as those you can call upon the grace that is here for you. For accepting and living truth brings love into your life and grace is part of love. Do not fear the truth for it is who you are!   Be Well, Be Love

Inner Self

There comes a time to remember Who You Really Are. Now is such a time.

Within the depth of your being lies your true self. This is the part of you that is beneath all the programming and layers of painful experiences you have had. This genuine, authentic, and loving ‘self’ is there always wanting to be felt and heard. It is full of beauty and grace, and has no judgments or inclinations to harm. There are many times when you have connected with this part of yourself and allowed it to flow upwards and out. These are times when you felt pure love and acceptance of self. It may also have been an experience that didn’t last long! These writings are meant to help you heal, and create balance within your being so that you may connect with your inner self without fear.

If you stay steadfast in your journey towards aligning with this ‘authentic’ self, you will become a light being assisting others in their processes. This does not mean that you will change or be someone different than who you are now. It means that you will stop feeling the need to control and judge others, change to align with your environment, feel the need to defend yourself, be resistant, and other uncomfortable states of being.

At the center of this alignment with your true self lies proper discernment and wisdom. Love is an emotion, and it is also a way of being in the world that does not threaten your presence nor anyone else’s. It is working towards the good of all concerned, and allowing without expectation, things to be what and who they are. The true self has nothing to fear, dread, or expect. This is the best you can be and feel, as you encounter life each day. It is possible and achievable. It comes with knowing what truly matters and what doesn’t. It is a conscious state of being and not ‘automatic’. It is not a sense of getting there, it is a process of staying there. Your journey in this life is not a destination. You have heard this before, and the meaning of this concept escapes you when things feel strained. When that happens, it is your ‘program’ accessing inner files for how to react and what to believe under the circumstances. If you were to take a few moments and allow yourself to consciously look at your reaction to the situation, you might find yourself to be resistant, defensive, judgmental, or controlling which takes you out of alignment with your true self. Is it a repeat of your ‘belief system’ that is kicking in and keeping you in a stymied pattern? Is it truly serving you and all concerned? Are you allowing growth and accepting the situation for what it is, or are you wanting to change it or perceive it in the same light as before? Is that for the best, and does it include evolution for yourself and others? If you were to connect with your inner self at these times, you might find a different attitude or reaction to the situation. For as you hold yourself and others in a ‘pattern of sameness’ with your reaction there is no healing, growth, or expansion. Your perceptions should they stay the same, will not allow change to happen for yourself and others. You cannot expect to expand or evolve which means that nothing will change and your life will stagnate. How can you want this for yourself or others? It is not easy to change your ‘program’. Your inner self does not operate within a ‘program’. Connecting with your true self will allow, align, heal, expand, and accept as it is all encompassing and will show you what is best for yourself and others. It is true love, and alignment with your true self that connects you to your Creator and the truth of any situation.

In a perfect world you would want this for yourself. It is not easy, nor is it a fast fix. It is something you can strive for if you so desire, and in finding this place within, more often than not, you will create a better world for yourself. Things will start to change around you and your life will have more flow! Opening to the possibility of this is a good first step. Be in touch with your heart, think with your heart, and find this balance of thriving. It IS possible!

Be Well, Be Love