
Grief in its many forms makes its way into your life on occasion.  Grief creates the opportunity to cleanse your perception and make way for the pureness of heart and expansion of your spirit.  Any and all old outworn energy and programming must fall away for the new and transformed version of you to emerge through the experiences you have along your journey, including grief.  There is no other way to evolve and expand, which is what you are here to do.

The filter you use to process your experiences changes as you progress making your heart expand.  This filter is created by your ongoing experiences, and each experience you have layers on top of the next; that is unless you transform, heal, and grow from each one independently.  This is important because the filter you use is everything to your journey.  Nothing can expand in a field of old, outworn energy and opinions.  The intention of your heart and soul is to grow, expand, and evolve.  Without cleansing your filter on an ongoing basis you can shrink and settle into despair.

Your filter is used to create your perception.  You must never stop learning, experiencing, and evolving.  This is what your journey is all about, but you must keep your filter clean and restored whenever necessary.  Nothing is more important than an increasing awareness of your understanding of each experience you have.  To continue to layer over your filter is to diminish its effectiveness and cloud your perceptions which diminishes the clarity you must hold within your being.

Your life’s journey and its meaning cannot flow without the careful and contemplated healing and loving compartmentalizing of your experience.  After all, it is your spirit that is enriched through your journey.  The enrichment of who you are becoming through the filter of your life is the key to your evolution.  Regret, indecision, complacency, disregard, and sadness are all disfigurement of your filter.  Your past experiences, if not healed, cleansed, and the pain removed with love and understanding, will cloud your filter.  If this is not properly cared for it will clog your journey and stop your evolution.

Some signs to look for that reveal you have a distorted filter is when you will become bored, listless, needing constant stimulation, and leaning on others for their help, attention, and consolation.  This is when you become blinded by your filter and stop living your life through your heart and live vicariously through others.  Also, you feel that you have no control over your life and others can easily manipulate you into being whomever they want you to be and think whatever they want you to think.

The good news is that recognizing this in-cognizance will create a ‘crack’ in your filter that will allow grace to pour into your being and start to repair that which was lost in your misinterpretation of the truth, if this is your intention.  Being a part of the goodness life holds is only seen through a clear, loving, and healthy filter.  You must first be able to ‘see’ it before you can take part in it.

The seeds from your past properly cared for and revised with love will plant loving expression in the future.  Your heart is a sun, and your experiences given love from your heart will cleanse your filter and make your journey one of loving expression.  Your filter purifies your expression through constant care and cleaning.  This expands your spirit and reveals the connection to the Source of your being.

Be Well, Be Love  ♥

Christmas Blessing

I am created out of the One Source of infinite life.  All that I am comes from this One Source, one life, one mind, one intelligence.  This One is the source of all power to create, to heal, and to bless.  It is a powerful source of healing and of restoration.  There is nothing that cannot be accomplished by the power of this One.

Every idea I’ve ever had has come from this one perfect intelligence.  Every desire has arisen from it.  Every dream has its roots deep in this Source.  I choose today to realize that my dreams and desires for my life, whatever they may be, come from this Source with all that is needed to bring them into full fruition.  I’m never given and idea without the accompanying power and ability to bring it into full form.

Today, I reassess the dreams I hold for my life.  I think deeply about what I would have my life contain.  Knowing that Spirit can accomplish anything I truly believe in, I set my sights on a higher vision, and know that the power of Spirit can and does fill this potent vision with its creative power and wisdom.  Today I accept that this infinite power is right now flowing through the ideas I have for a life of love, compassion, abundance, and joy.  Whatever my vision, Spirit now fills it with itself.  I am also filled with this powerful spiritual presence, and I know it.

And it is good.  And so it is. 

The Now

Things continue to get more interesting!  There is so much distraction, that creating division seems to be the norm.  This keeps you from focusing on what really matters.  It is all designed to pull you from your Center and slow your spiritual growth to stop the evolution of your soul. The good news is that this is Divinely designed to strengthen your internal resolve and challenge you to practice and anchor the heart virtues to further manifest who you really are; which is a powerful spiritual being. This is what these times are for!

Tolerance, gratitude, and compassion are key expressions for the current time. Knowing that you can make a difference, while working within the virtues, is key to your personal evolution. There may be many things that are happening now that you may not be able to do anything about, yet being centered and balanced within your heart at all times will assist more than you know!  This is the strength of love that is needed now to assist others in their processes. It is not an easy task, but it is the greatest act of love one can put forth!

One thing to remember above all else is that there are no accidents or mistakes, and everything is designed for spiritual growth and refinement. It isn’t as complicated as it seems; our minds and egos make it seem so. Find that place of peace within through the heart virtues. That’s where true peace resides.

Be Well, Be Love

To Be or not to Be

Alignment with the highest expression of yourself is imperative at this time.

The chaos that ensues is happening within everyone that has not worked within to heal and connect to the heart.  The current time is forged with despair and courageous deeds.  It is a time of heightened acts and concerns of the ego, as the ego fights for its place in the world.  The energy being created by this egoic sense of panic puts forth separation consciousness.  This is far from being connected to ones’ heart, as the ego pines to be in charge thus eliminating Unity Consciousness that is the true power.

As more confusion is created to appeal to the ego, peace and alignment with what really matters to allow the truth to surface is diminished.  This creates opportunity to go within and determine why you feel the importance of fighting for separation consciousness; if that is indeed what you are allowing in your current consciousness.  Peace is found through surrendering the need to fight and not allowing the ego to create your experience.  Allowing everything in the illusion that exists to unfold naturally and as it will, creates the support from your heart to trust that all will all be aligned with the perfect will of Spirit.  This current time calls out to the heart to step into its power with the Heart Virtues in full force!  None of these virtues call for ‘taking sides’ or elevating egoic consciousness.  The more that you step into the power of the heart, the more truth will be allowed to come forth.  The more you fight with the ego consciousness, the more delays and confusion will perpetuate.  This is not what this time is about.  It is about staying true to your power to contribute to the healing and wellness within and align with Unity Consciousness.  The fluctuation of energy that is taking place is nothing more than distraction being generated, to feed the egoic centers of the few to keep things copesetic and unbalanced.

It is up to us as heart centered beings to be the ones that stay centered in peace and tranquility to support truth and unity, knowing we can change the world.

As you join with your truth, it will expand to create trust.  Trust has within it the component necessary to effectuate the energy needed for change. This is the cycle that is meant to be at this time.  Knowing this deep within your being will elevate your frequency match with love and expand that energy to counteract the chaos that exists.

It is imperative that you find the disparity that may be perpetuated by your own judgement that is being stimulated with the current time of change and evolution.  We are being tested to find out where we are as humans that finally have a voice to express our current state of being.  Shall this be lost to the Pied Piper?  Have we done all the work within only to allow ourselves to be judge and jury?  This does not mean that we cannot effectuate change if we surrender the egoic responses that are being stimulated.  This means that we can exude our power from the spiritual nature we have that is our innate sense of being, and that is who we really are!  If we each choose to support that which is truth, we will have chosen to evolve within our true nature and goodness will prevail.  That is a promise made within the structure of our true purpose during this time of change.

Be Well, Be Love


What is happiness? Where does it come from? Is it a state of mind or does it come from the heart?

Happiness is a state of being as true happiness is generated from the heart. Happiness is found when there is a state of peace that exists within. The expression of peace is happiness.

Peace is the natural state of the heart. When the heart is activated and healing has (or is in the process) of taking place, peace is the state of consciousness the heart reflects. The synergy between the mind and the heart must be clear and in divine repose. If the ego is active, its ‘job’ is to prevent peace from happening. The egos job is to prevent healing from taking place. Its function is to create crisis, chaos, and conflict (see previous posts ), as its purpose is to uphold and strengthen the illusion of separation.

When all parts of ones being are in harmony, happiness and peace are the by product and glorious state of being. This means that you cannot truly be pulled from your center. At this stage, it is of the utmost to stay in alignment with this vibration to connect with the highest consciousness of your being to assist others with their processes. You become a beacon of hope, and your frequency meets that of enlightenment and ascension. This state of being is important to all of humanity, as it accelerates healing and connectivity to the hearts of all ones currently on the same path.

If your heart is activated from healing and is restored to its divine state of creation, its love is brought forth and the ego mind cannot withstand the frequency. This amalgamation transforms the ego into divine mind. This state of holiness becomes your natural state of being and from this place you can create miracles!

The reality of this state of being is the ‘mustard seed’ of truth, and the vibration of truth cannot be withheld. Truth only speaks to itself and when it is present, healing and clarity can come forth. Truth is the first step of deep healing and restoration. Truth happens outside of the illusion that is separation. True love cannot exist without truth, and nothing that is not of truth can exist within the current frequency and vibration.

When you heal within, you find your truth. When you find your truth, you activate your heart. When you activate your heart, you radiate love. When you radiate love, you transform your mind. When your mind and heart work as one, you create peace within. This state of consciousness emanates within and without as happiness!

Be Well, Be Love 


What is grace?  Grace is the energy created out of pure love.  It is the energy that comes from the vibrations of the 10 Virtues (see Sacrednicity, Peace Within).  Grace is given to all that ask for it, and it is the foundation of all healing and restoration.  Grace is also a state of being i.e. ‘In the state of Grace’.

When you ask for assistance through prayer, Grace is given to the subject of the prayer and is bestowed upon the one that is asking.  Prayers are generated through intention.  The prayer [intention] that is generated calls out to the vibration of the heart virtue that will assist in answering the intention [prayer].  This then creates an emotion from the heart that adds power and strength to the intention.  This energy vibration [emotion] creates and magnifies the Grace that is sent to the subject of the prayer.  When this Grace is received it adds to the vibration and frequency of the receiver, and gives strength to the intention from which it was created.  This is why multiple persons creating the same prayer [intention] works so well.  The power of Grace sent to one specific person or place will modify the receiver and surround them with the vibration of the Grace that was originated.  For instance, if the intention was for healing, and emotion was combined with the vibration of the virtue of Compassion then sent to the receiver, the Grace would be magnified and the receiver would benefit greatly from the effect.  This is the place from whence miracles are created and manifested!

Grace is the energy of love, healing, and the eradication of fear.  Fear is the absence of Grace; as fear is generated from the ego mind and Grace is generated from the heart.  One can ask and receive Grace if they operate from the ego mind, however they will not have the full benefit of the effect that Grace offers unless they are able to receive it within their heart, as the love that it is.  The heart virtue of Humility is the receptor vibration of Grace.  Fear does not allow the heart virtues to flourish and achieve their full potential.  Fear shuts down heart consciousness and alienates Grace.

One cannot thrive while in the state of fear.  Fear wears many faces.  Sometimes fear is so obscure that one does not know they are operating within it.  If you practice the heart virtues but yet find judgement is something you ‘practice’ consistently, you are not within the State of Grace.  Judgement is fear based and more common than any other type of fear.  Doubt, worry, and stress are also fear based emotions and keep the ego mind in full force.  Consciously realizing you are in the state of fear, and going within to find the basis of that fear, will offer instant Grace from your heart for healing.  Anytime that your awareness is consciously focused upon something within (fear for example) for which you request healing, it will be answered with Grace.  This can be noticed through emotion.  The hearts response will generate an emotion for you to work with that will inspire more Grace.  And so begins the healing process within!  This process will continue as you consciously request (through prayer/intention) it, and work with belief, faith, and trusting in yourself to heal through Grace.

Conscious awareness of the differences between thoughts and emotions that arise in your experience will guide you to Graceful living and thriving within and without your life.  This will lead to a life of wonder and illumination of the Grace filled existence you long for and deserve!

Be Well, Be Love


Finding your way through the maze of energy and information today can be difficult for the energetic static is astounding!

This time finds all swimming in a soup of energy that is the result of integrating the 4th dimensional frequency.  This frequency has replaced the three dimensional band, and anytime a dimensional acquisition occurs there is an imbalance created by those who are not ready.  The work that has needed to be done within is crucial to this time, as fear does not vibrate in consignment with 4D frequency.  This means then that fear is surfacing for observation and healing.  Things that cause fear to surface come from within even though it is thought that it resides without.

All the fear and doubt that arises must be looked at, healed, and purged.  There is no other way!  Even if you wanted to side step this process, you cannot.  We have entered a time when we cannot live with fear as it is part of the 3D construct.  Fear does not exist in 4D and higher.  This is why the energy seems to be erratic.  If fear is not healed, it continues to be generated and released into the ether.  When this energy becomes dense it is felt by all and feeds upon itself.  The origin of the fear that is not healed but regenerated starts to disintegrate the host, as fear is toxic and cannot be withstood within the construct of 4D.  This is why facing your fear and healing it turns it into the energy of love, and is then released out to counter the toxic energy of fear that currently exists.

Balance is the alignment of regeneration and transformation.  Balance is the space between healing and purging.  Finding balance is the peace within while transformation takes place.  Absence of peace is the presence of fear.  Understanding this is key to your spiritual well-being, and stepping into this truth knowing that healing must take place for proper realignment to achieve balance, is important.

This current time of static energy creates change.  Change is the metamorphosis of any frequency adjustment.  Although change may not feel or look like a blessing, all change at this time should be considered such.  There are many reasons for change, but in this current time it is to create opportunity for realignment with oneself.  If an environment exists where one cannot evolve, or is toxic or both, change will happen to remove the higher frequency from the lower frequency.  Higher and lower frequencies repel each other.  If the lower frequency is not within reach where you can affect it, it will be removed from your experience.  This is the work of your Higher Self and Spirit assisting you with renovating your being.  You can be assured that there are no accidents or mistakes and, at the same time, bolster your faith in the process!

Understanding this truth is of major importance to your alignment, expansion, and flow.  Healing and purging the fear that surfaces during this time is critical.  Calling upon Father, your Higher Self, your Angels, Guides, or whomever you commensurate with is of great help to you with the intention of healing and finding balance.  Your time is now and blessings are many.  Know that you are a being of love and light!

Be Well, Be Love

The Stand

Changes abound!  Holding on to what was is not possible any more.  There is so much about you that is waiting to be expressed and now is that time!

You are entering the golden era of your lifetime, and it will bring you a new reality as though you have been given a new lease on life.  The graduation of dark to light is here and offers you a grand opportunity to become who you have always wished you could be.  It is all a matter of alignment and intention.  What will you do when there are no blocks and nothing to worry about?  That the most important thing to do is to whatever you want to do that day?  You will have so much to be happy about, that it will be hard to choose.  Does this sound grand?  It is the next step of expansion.

The work that you have done within is the direct reflection of what you will experience next.  The place in which you truly abide (heart, mind) will be your point of perception, and bear you the fruit of your experience.  You have always had the power to think your creations into being.  How would it be to feel your manifestations into being?  To create from the heart by feeling your intentions into being?

The time has come to have the freedom to create from love instead of fear.  What kind of world would you live in if this were the case?  The level of increasing awareness will guide you to ways to expand your gifts and use them as the main expression of your life.  This would give you an elevated sense of being and connection to your higher consciousness.  The infusion of energy and frequency into your being when you connect with your Source on this level would enhance your connection and create more thriving.  Whatever you would manifest from this place of being will expand to enhance joy within all that it touches.  This is the key to living in joy!

The precipice that you are now upon is temporary.  It is changing to reflect your new found connections within as you heal and express your inner being through your intentions of love.  This creates the flow of energy that encompasses your existence making your view wider and more far reaching.  With this expanding vision you can interpret more of the light that is around you and use this information to enhance your well-being and that of others.  This opens pathways to other forms of information [light] that can come to you through this open door within your consciousness.  Then you are no longer on a precipice but above it with the full presence of being.  No longer would you be in wonder of your life but in full amazement of its potential.  The far reaching consequences of this state of being is the realization of perfection in all that is, was, and ever will be.

Be Well, Be Love

Blessings – Healing Pain/Fear

Life is full of blessings!  Everywhere you turn are opportunities to feel this grace and love.  The more you feel and acknowledge these energies the more that you radiate them out into the world.

All are in search for peace and understanding.  It may surprise you to know that there is more of this than not in the world as it is the core desire for most, and when this desire is strong it is met with nonresistance.  The only resistance lies within when forgiveness is not complete.  No one can accomplish this but you, and it has to be desired more than the pain that is so easy to hold on to.  Courage is necessary to face the fear of being at peace.  When one has only known pain, it becomes a source of strength.  If the pain were to be healed, the turmoil would end.

Fear creates a false sense of security.  Fear will no longer bring you the comfort you seek as it will not hold strong under the new frequency of love.  Clinging to pain and fear that is yet to be healed and released, will only bring you more need to generate pain and fear.  The diminishment of fear by those that have healed is increasing, so those that are left don’t have the energy of fear to draw from that used to exist.  Do you find yourself needing to be in pain more often and finding that when you are tuned into your pain that it is not satisfying?  Why would I say satisfying?  Because if it was not, you would let go of it.

The strength of the new frequency of love and light that is upon you is stronger than the internal derision you may have [for yourself].  An intent to heal and free yourself of the pain and fear no matter how strong will bring to you grace and support to accomplish this task!

Once you start this process, you must have the courage to continue the healing as it will involve everyone in your life.  As you begin healing and forgiveness in earnest, you will start to feel a strength come from within that feels different and unfamiliar.  This will feel peaceful and deliciously comforting to your being.  Your heart will start to send thoughts to your mind of loving this new feeling, and the evolution of your soul will initiate and draw to you new people and experiences.  It will be a whole being experience that opens new avenues of growth and expansion.  This will lead to new blessings and appreciation in your life that was blocked from you before.  The truth of your being will rush to the forefront of your mind helping you to ‘see with new eyes and hear with new ears’.  Eventually, the suffering will end and loneliness will diminish.  As you continue this process and each layer of pain and fear dissolves, a new understanding is initiated that will make the healing progress faster and with new found wisdom in procreating your life.  No longer will you ask the ‘whys’.  It will turn to gratitude and higher perspective of the spiritual nature of life.  No longer will you relate to fear and pain!  You will replace self-incrimination with love and it will shift those in your life. The ones that supported your painful self will fall away, and those that truly love you will start to change and react differently to you. It is truly miraculous if you will just see it through!

And, this is just the beginning …………..


Recognizing that detachment is a vital part of your evolutionary process cannot be avoided. 

What does this mean?  Detachment applies to everything and everyone in your sphere.  The place where detachment is the most useful is with your thoughts.  It is a part of the revelation of your being, to be able to easily detach from thoughts that arise, especially those that are generated from the ego. 

Being in a place of pure potentiality requires the release and detachment from the beliefs that the ego has formed.  Knowing that all of the thoughts that you have are related to the illusion that you are immersed in, is essential to detachment.  Holding on to any conflagration of the mind connected to a belief or issue that is undealt with, will inhibit the Trinity of your being and causes resistance.  When resistance is felt there is an attachment that is pinged to something within that is threatened with truth. 

At the same time, some of the functions in your daily life serve your attachments.  Your fear of detachment can be found in your thoughts and in your heart.  This is the most critical of the connections within that are the areas that are triggered by fear.  Any fear [pain] that arises is connected to attachment of some kind within your mind.  Finding the root of the fear will lead you to the attachment and give you the beliefs that need transformation and clarity.  Many times the healing that needs to take place is rooted within a thought connected to something else.  This means that many times the resistance lies within something that has yet to be forgiven, for detachment is the final step of forgiveness.  You cannot detach unless forgiveness is completed.  There are some things that are intertwined and all facets must be realized for the completion of forgiveness.

Love is the tool for forgiveness and detachment.  Where there is love, there lies truth.  Truth is the path to evolutionary progress and happiness, joy, and the realization of bliss!

Be Well, Be Love