
Although courage should be a virtue, it is a value.

There is an ever present need for courage as spiritual growth is imminent. Courage rides on the shoulders of movement through the practice and pursuit of the Heart Virtues. It is the inflammatory sense of evolving that pushes us forward at this time into unknown territory which is heart centered, manifesting mindfulness and clarity. These are tough times, and like it or not you must indeed expand to meet the needs of your evolution through proper discernment.

Courage is stepping into mastery which starts as a conscious connection with the heart. Courage is not a mind generated attribute; it is a heart centered action inspired by the heart virtues. The heart virtues are the foundational concepts of the heart and courage is the activator and generator of the energy emitted by the virtues. This then enables the truth of ones being to be expressed and the atmosphere of healing to egress. With each step of healing there is peaceful prose compelling clarity and connection with ones higher state of being. It is also at these times that you have the experience of resonating with the higher frequency of love. This process of living the heart virtues through courage and connection leads one to a masterful bond with, and an enlightened perspective of, higher states of consciousness. Only in this state of being can one connect with love. As a carrier of this consciousness, grace emanates from you to those who may need the energy and vibration to assist them with connecting to the frequency of love, thus finding their own path towards heart centered awareness and courage.

There has never been a more pressing time than now for ever increasing conscious awareness to connect with the inner self or soul. This requires courage for when one ventures into the truth of who you really are, it is beholden to your purpose.

The need and desire to find peace is challenging during these times of influx and change. The outside world is merely a mirror of the inner voice of strength or struggle. When peace abides, there is completion. This may be indicative of healing, the instigation of the hearts virtues, or both. Peace also flies on the wings of acceptance and heart-full innovation both of which can happen simultaneously or sedentary in sequence. It is without question that attaining peace takes courage.

Life is an ever evolving journey and to live it in these times requires faith, trust, and belief imbued by and in line with the courage to live and engage the heart virtues.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️


Grief in its many forms makes its way into your life on occasion.  Grief creates the opportunity to cleanse your perception and make way for the pureness of heart and expansion of your spirit.  Any and all old outworn energy and programming must fall away for the new and transformed version of you to emerge through the experiences you have along your journey, including grief.  There is no other way to evolve and expand, which is what you are here to do.

The filter you use to process your experiences changes as you progress making your heart expand.  This filter is created by your ongoing experiences, and each experience you have layers on top of the next; that is unless you transform, heal, and grow from each one independently.  This is important because the filter you use is everything to your journey.  Nothing can expand in a field of old, outworn energy and opinions.  The intention of your heart and soul is to grow, expand, and evolve.  Without cleansing your filter on an ongoing basis you can shrink and settle into despair.

Your filter is used to create your perception.  You must never stop learning, experiencing, and evolving.  This is what your journey is all about, but you must keep your filter clean and restored whenever necessary.  Nothing is more important than an increasing awareness of your understanding of each experience you have.  To continue to layer over your filter is to diminish its effectiveness and cloud your perceptions which diminishes the clarity you must hold within your being.

Your life’s journey and its meaning cannot flow without the careful and contemplated healing and loving compartmentalizing of your experience.  After all, it is your spirit that is enriched through your journey.  The enrichment of who you are becoming through the filter of your life is the key to your evolution.  Regret, indecision, complacency, disregard, and sadness are all disfigurement of your filter.  Your past experiences, if not healed, cleansed, and the pain removed with love and understanding, will cloud your filter.  If this is not properly cared for it will clog your journey and stop your evolution.

Some signs to look for that reveal you have a distorted filter is when you will become bored, listless, needing constant stimulation, and leaning on others for their help, attention, and consolation.  This is when you become blinded by your filter and stop living your life through your heart and live vicariously through others.  Also, you feel that you have no control over your life and others can easily manipulate you into being whomever they want you to be and think whatever they want you to think.

The good news is that recognizing this in-cognizance will create a ‘crack’ in your filter that will allow grace to pour into your being and start to repair that which was lost in your misinterpretation of the truth, if this is your intention.  Being a part of the goodness life holds is only seen through a clear, loving, and healthy filter.  You must first be able to ‘see’ it before you can take part in it.

The seeds from your past properly cared for and revised with love will plant loving expression in the future.  Your heart is a sun, and your experiences given love from your heart will cleanse your filter and make your journey one of loving expression.  Your filter purifies your expression through constant care and cleaning.  This expands your spirit and reveals the connection to the Source of your being.

Be Well, Be Love  ♥

Seasonal Love

T’is the season to be happy, healthy, and whole!

The season of gratitude and thanksgiving has just passed leading into the season of love and acceptance with the season of new beginnings to follow after that.  There is a reason for the alignment of the seasons to follow each other, one after the other at the end of the year and beginning of the next.  The seasons follow the succession of the integration of the heart virtues leading up to the harvest of the work you have done internally through the year.

This has been an extremely challenging year of change and transformation; cleansing, healing, clarifying, purging, and refining the spiritual nature of your being.  There are some that have had a difficult time transforming their lives into clarity and alignment with what is going on within.  This is the nature of the spirit; to evolve, grow and expand into another higher and more expressive vibration of love and peace.  This cannot be accomplished unless the spiritual work is done within first, through the healing process of removing resistance to ‘what is’ that can be transformed into light.

The lessons that lead to this wondrous journey are called heart virtues.  There is a willingness that one must have to walk the path of the heart virtues and the succession of awareness that is built each step of the way leading you on to the next virtue to uncover any resistance (fear) that your past programming reveals to you along the way.  The journey sounds complex, but it doesn’t have to be.  The part that is most difficult is the judgement and resistance that reveals itself when there is a conflict of interest.  These are the pockets of stored information from early installations of experiences you did not know what to do with, and so it was tucked away where it is not consciously dealt with unless something happens to trigger that information.  That brings the information to the conscious mind and is revealed and brought to the surface for contemplation and healing.  The virtues of compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and humility can transmute this information turning it to love through understanding the true lesson and purpose of the information.  There is something to be gained by this information no matter what it is, and sometimes it is merely the reinforcement of the virtues that are learned and practiced through the revelation of the stored information. This process continues as you convert your judgements and resistance to love through the virtues of:

  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Understanding
  • Gratitude
  • Appreciation
  • Acceptance
  • Valor
  • Humility

There is nothing that cannot be transformed into the higher vibration of love through the practice, implementation, and integration of the heart virtues within your being.

May this season of love bring you the happiness, joy, and peace that resides within a healed heart and divine mind.

Be Well, Be Love


As one of the heart virtues, compassion is the expression that is needed most in the now.

We are in a time of mixed emotions.  There are those that wish harm and suffering on as many as possible.  These are the ones that have not healed internally and have looked outside of themselves for relief through beliefs that harming others will lead to their redemption.  Healing is an internal process and one that can be extremely overwhelming.  Depending on the programming one has endured, it is difficult to know where to start.  This cannot be done without internal asking which creates guidance and direction from ones’ higher self.  With conscious awareness one can ‘hear’ the answers within and healing can begin.

It is not easy to watch those we love struggle to evolve.  If you have awakened the heart virtues within, your spirit knows how to tune into compassion that will be for the highest and best good of all concerned.  Your conscious awareness of the peaceful prose that the heart virtues effectuate, can lead to understanding the suffering that is happening around you. If a desire arises to express pity on those that are suffering, the heart will call forth compassion instead, for pity is judgement and does not contain any love.  You can assist those involved with finding the truth, which is where all suffering starts.  Suffering is a call out to begin healing, for one cannot suffer if there is clarity and wellness within.

The emotion that is called upon (without judgement) is compassion.  This expression of love is a very powerful grace that envelops those you focus upon, and assists with activating their spiritual center leading them to clarity.  This is the purpose of the expression of compassion, and active internal representation of the heart virtues.  When you are living these virtues, you are expressing your life through your heart and vibrating to the frequency of light and the energy of love.

The process of becoming aware of your compassionate thoughts happens with the activation of the Divine Mind. This is the conscious awareness of feeling what you are thinking with your heart.  This can only happen with the transfiguration of the heart by activating the heart virtues. This leads to conscious awareness of your thoughts and calling upon your heart to ‘think good thoughts’ leading to the Unity of Oneness where all healing and clarity occurs. This is how you can be a force for good in the world and assist those that are lost and confused. This is your prose and purpose as an awakened heart when witnessing suffering.

The graceful act of gratitude for the assistance you provide those in need using the heart virtues through Divine Mind, brings more of the energy of love to the world.  This is what will provide the healing necessary, and to assist those that capable of being able to take the actions necessary to make a difference and create change.  These are the ways to be the change you want to see in the world.

Be Well, Be Love 



The Now

Things continue to get more interesting!  There is so much distraction, that creating division seems to be the norm.  This keeps you from focusing on what really matters.  It is all designed to pull you from your Center and slow your spiritual growth to stop the evolution of your soul. The good news is that this is Divinely designed to strengthen your internal resolve and challenge you to practice and anchor the heart virtues to further manifest who you really are; which is a powerful spiritual being. This is what these times are for!

Tolerance, gratitude, and compassion are key expressions for the current time. Knowing that you can make a difference, while working within the virtues, is key to your personal evolution. There may be many things that are happening now that you may not be able to do anything about, yet being centered and balanced within your heart at all times will assist more than you know!  This is the strength of love that is needed now to assist others in their processes. It is not an easy task, but it is the greatest act of love one can put forth!

One thing to remember above all else is that there are no accidents or mistakes, and everything is designed for spiritual growth and refinement. It isn’t as complicated as it seems; our minds and egos make it seem so. Find that place of peace within through the heart virtues. That’s where true peace resides.

Be Well, Be Love


Stepping out of the mind (ego) and into the heart puts love into all that you think, do, and say. This creates an energy of change, transformation and upliftment that goes out to all you are in contact with.  It affects the world at large as a ripple in a pond from a drop of water.  It does not matter where you are; it is felt and expands.  Love does not dissipate, for it gets stronger as it is released.  Love creates a ‘crack’ for light to enter when it encounters a closed off situation [person].  When the light enters the situation [person] it seeks out love and expands it.

When you are living from the heart [heart virtues] you are emanating love. You cannot help but create change for yourself and others when you are in this state of being.  Each virtue begets each one, and it works the same in others in the form of light.  Love is light.  It seeks a way in and finds the source of truth and expands upon that.  Love and truth are both light.  Truth carries in it an aspect of love that generates light and it expands love to shed light on anything where it is present.  When truth is spoken, it carries love to all that hear it.  This love/light (LL)in the form of truth carries with it all aspects of the heart virtues to create healing and transformation to all within its reach.  This light then plants seeds of itself and expands to evolve anything that is of a lower vibration.  All benefit from this experience for when LL is shared it strengthens the source and evolution takes place.

We are all here to evolve. Our hearts seek out all opportunities to assist us with our evolution.  This is done by giving and receiving LL. These sparks of LL exist all around us and we are always seeking it out.  When we create opportunities to give LL, our expansion is greater than when we struggle to receive it.  Struggle is of a lower vibration and it signals an opportunity for healing.  LL highlights the struggle, for it illuminates that which needs to heal.  Lower vibrations do not stand a chance when LL is present!  The lower vibration is forever changed as the alchemy of the frequency of the love mixed with the lower expression automatically changes it.  That is why there are some who are entrenched in their sadness or grief that may not want to be around someone who is trying to help (love) them.  It matters not because your thoughts can carry the same LL energy to them.

When you ‘think’ love it does not have the energy of love. It is only when you feel the thought from the heart that it has the LL energy.  All intention that is put forth when laced with love from the heart, will manifest the desired outcome.  Intention underlies all that you think, do, and say.  When you understand that you will understand the meaning your life carries.  Living from heart centered consciousness reveals to you the truth of your being and enlightens your life!

Be Well, Be Love

State of Being

As the crisis, chaos, and conflict seems to continue, I am reminded of the peace that the heart virtues bring within.

We are in a time of deep fluctuation and change.  There is no other time like this, and that is because people are starting to awaken and draw to themselves the truth that exists, and always has.  There has never been a time before when the truth is there for all to see, if one just looks.  This resonates with your heart as you know it to be true.  What then is revealed to you is the truth you hold within; that you are an enigmatic being that holds within your heart the ability to know and express truth with love.  There is no other reason to exist, other than to evolve and grow from where you are at the current time to the next moment.  All that surrounds to you is taking you on that journey, and that is the only journey there is.  Your free will choice is what part of that journey you are willing to participate in, knowing it is that simple.

There is much out there to sideline your mission, and that is apparent within your life.  The biggest hurdle of all is the ego, for it is the egos job to keep you distracted from your true purpose; which is to evolve.  The outer stimuli that is created by others’ egos in the world works to connect with your ego to feed it energy to keep the illusion intact, and on a purposeful course.  That is to say that the egos main job is to deter love from existing within and so, without.

Love is of itself not a grand and glorious state of being?  If it were so, why is there so much lack of it in the world?  Love is an emotion and a feeling, but more than that, it is a state of being.  It holds within it the powers of the heart; the heart virtues, and it can be much more powerful than anything else.  So, the struggles are between the ego and the heart, each one holding power, and the good news is the heart can overcome!

The ego holds sway keeping the mind at bay until the heart converts it to Divine Mind.  This is not an agenda of the heart like the one the ego holds.  When the egos agenda is apparent you will find yourself immersed, if ever so slightly, in the world of an illusion created by the ego.  This distraction pulls you in with opinions and judgements over things that seem to be worthy, but what is truly worthy of your time and attention?  It goes back to the old adage of ‘if it feels good do it, if not, don’t’.

Too much is ignored about how something or someone makes you feel.  No one has control over this but you.  This is not easy, and the healing that should be done when things surface within, such as feelings, is daunting at times.  There has been much discussion about healing in this blog.  Healing is the starting place to remove the ‘fodder’ that feeds the ego, to keep your heart suppressed.  The heart virtues cannot activate without healing taking place.  Grace is the energy that feeds the healing process.  It is there for anyone to access that sets the intention to heal.  Healing needs to take place to ‘convert’ the ego.  Without internal fear and pain the ego cannot function as a destructive force.  When healing takes place the ego is transformed, it blends with the heart and your life is projected without fear!  This means that love is your state of being and when this happens all that is drawn to you is a reflection of your internal state of being.  What would the world look like if we infused it with this state of being, this energy?

Healing starts as an intention, and the work begins with your feelings as your guide toward wellness and expression of that clarity of being.  We cannot transform our outer world without transforming the inner one.  When we stop resisting the healing that needs to take place, we can transform the ego which will end the judgements.  It’s the judgement that keeps the ego in motion.  Allowing perspicacity to take the place of improper judgement is the answer.  Using proper discernment is a loving expression for yourself which then means it will be loving for your world and the world at large.

Desiring to and finding a way for loving expression within and without, is called for now.  Open to the idea of doing this work within and have the courage to take each step along the way.  Measure your success in each moment and it will unfold before you as a work of love.  Transformation such as this is a process, and must be done over a string of moments.  This is the real process of spiritual evolution and what we are truly here to accomplish.  Finding your way back to the purity of your being is the one journey we are all on together.  It is the only one that counts!

Be Well, Be Love

To Be or not to Be

Alignment with the highest expression of yourself is imperative at this time.

The chaos that ensues is happening within everyone that has not worked within to heal and connect to the heart.  The current time is forged with despair and courageous deeds.  It is a time of heightened acts and concerns of the ego, as the ego fights for its place in the world.  The energy being created by this egoic sense of panic puts forth separation consciousness.  This is far from being connected to ones’ heart, as the ego pines to be in charge thus eliminating Unity Consciousness that is the true power.

As more confusion is created to appeal to the ego, peace and alignment with what really matters to allow the truth to surface is diminished.  This creates opportunity to go within and determine why you feel the importance of fighting for separation consciousness; if that is indeed what you are allowing in your current consciousness.  Peace is found through surrendering the need to fight and not allowing the ego to create your experience.  Allowing everything in the illusion that exists to unfold naturally and as it will, creates the support from your heart to trust that all will all be aligned with the perfect will of Spirit.  This current time calls out to the heart to step into its power with the Heart Virtues in full force!  None of these virtues call for ‘taking sides’ or elevating egoic consciousness.  The more that you step into the power of the heart, the more truth will be allowed to come forth.  The more you fight with the ego consciousness, the more delays and confusion will perpetuate.  This is not what this time is about.  It is about staying true to your power to contribute to the healing and wellness within and align with Unity Consciousness.  The fluctuation of energy that is taking place is nothing more than distraction being generated, to feed the egoic centers of the few to keep things copesetic and unbalanced.

It is up to us as heart centered beings to be the ones that stay centered in peace and tranquility to support truth and unity, knowing we can change the world.

As you join with your truth, it will expand to create trust.  Trust has within it the component necessary to effectuate the energy needed for change. This is the cycle that is meant to be at this time.  Knowing this deep within your being will elevate your frequency match with love and expand that energy to counteract the chaos that exists.

It is imperative that you find the disparity that may be perpetuated by your own judgement that is being stimulated with the current time of change and evolution.  We are being tested to find out where we are as humans that finally have a voice to express our current state of being.  Shall this be lost to the Pied Piper?  Have we done all the work within only to allow ourselves to be judge and jury?  This does not mean that we cannot effectuate change if we surrender the egoic responses that are being stimulated.  This means that we can exude our power from the spiritual nature we have that is our innate sense of being, and that is who we really are!  If we each choose to support that which is truth, we will have chosen to evolve within our true nature and goodness will prevail.  That is a promise made within the structure of our true purpose during this time of change.

Be Well, Be Love


A new time has begun with the transition from fear to peaceful purpose!  The energy that is upon you is asking that you gracefully allow things to unfold without judgement, and expect the best.

If you were to look back to the last year at this same time, what has changed?  Do you see a years’ worth of struggle or a tremendous amount of spiritual evolution within your being?  What can you contribute these changes to mean?  There has been much happening to give you opportunities for heart centered growth and evolutionary gain.  If you have been living within the heart virtues and letting them guide your life, you have experienced things much differently than others that are not consciously aware of this graciousness.

The expansion of your spiritual nature has been challenged, and this has made you aware of the difference between heart centered consciousness and ego awareness.  Aligning with the decisions made from your heart is a much different path than those made by your ego.  The ‘I know better than anyone else’ mind set arrives at a dead end.  The attitude of wanting to include others in the process of relating to their heart comes from the inclusion of grace within your life.

Finding the place within the connection to your heart and allowing your life to express this connection always awakens others to the peace you hold within.  Coming from this place inspires others to want this for themselves and shows them where their misalignments might be.  This then creates a crack within their paradigm that leaves a place for clarity and light to enter.  From that moment forward they are forever changed and their heart is activated.  When this happens, they will feel the difference between the ego and their heart centered activation.  This is a powerful time for them as they choose what part of themselves to listen to.  The more that you interact with someone the more they are affected by your heart frequency, and the more stimulated by the love sent forth from you activates their being.  The feeling of your grace filled composure ignites the internal recesses of their soul to reach for more and search within.  Your life giving spiritual nature aligns with others at the same energy frequency.  When you take your heart out into the world you affect others in a very profound way!  This is the next step for a heart centered person leading their life in such a way, with graciousness as their creed.  If this makes sense to you then it is you who are meant to change the world, to heal and activate the spirit within those you encounter.

The transitional energy that is now being expressed wants to find the higher frequency to lift all up into clarity and heart awareness activation.  You are that frequency of light that searches for the likeness of itself within everything and everyone, and when it ignites that within others it communes in clarity and love.  This generates ecstatic enlightenment and a change of energy.  Go forward in the attitude of graciousness towards all you encounter with your heart in full activation!

Blessings to you in 2017.  It is the year of enlightenment!

Be Well, Be Love

Peace and Contentment

There is much to be thankful for during this season of peace and contentment.  So much has transpired and it seems that everything is changing, or will be.

The changes that have taken place have opened new pathways to connect your heart with your mind.  Some of these changes have ‘the ego on the run’ and glimpses of contentment can be found within.

A new-found connection and understanding of the 8 heart virtues (compassion, understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation, valor, acceptance, and allowing) is the bridge from the state of change to peace and contentment.  There is much to be said for embracing change without fear and resistance.  This is to say that during change the ego may create CCC (crisis, chaos, conflict); as it may want to create suffering through resistance when change is present.  Peace and contentment can be found under the rocks of CCC, for change is inevitable through this alchemy.

There are two opportunities with any change that is presented.  One is resistance and the other is expansion.  One offers suffering while the other creates opportunity for healing and spiritual attainment.  Every opportunity that change presents is duly suited for a clearer connection to your Higher Self through a vibrational equivalent.  Processing change starts within the mind and completes within the heart.  This then instills clarity of being and elevates your frequency match with your Higher Self.  There are no shortcuts around growth and expansion, and this is why you are here.

As you accept change within your life the blessings come forward.  These are the harbingers of peace and contentment.  When one cannot find the blessings within a situation of change, there is resistance.  Resistance comes from the ego and cannot be transmuted.  Change would not appear in your life if you weren’t ready or didn’t call it forth.  Change is intrinsic to life and vice versa.  Some changes are welcome, and some are not.  All change creates hidden opportunity for expansion.  There cannot be change without expansion, even with resistance.  Resistance shows you where change needs to take place.  That is a blessing!  Resistance is tied to the ego which accesses the place within you that needs to be healed.  If one decides not to proceed with change, the resistance within will grow.  This will lead to another form of change being presented to you with more facets.  Faceted changes are more likely to create CCC.  This is where change can become unmanageable.  Starting with and practicing the 8 heart virtues will aid one in this situation breaking apart the faceted change to more manageable parts.

There is nothing that cannot be healed through the Heart Virtues!  The heart restores all life and blesses ones being.  The heart tempers the ego without struggle, and imparts a new dimension of goodness to its processes.  When this happens, new pathways open within that lead to living peace and contentment.  This then, allows you to expand your experience to include more complex forms of change that add to the flavor of your journey!

Be Well, Be Love