

We are in the process of major upgrades connected to our spiritual consciousness through cleansing and reconstruction. In addition, it is also a time of divine remuneration and restructuring.

To be ready for this all judgement should be released and forgiveness must prevail! There is no other way but through living and conceiving The Heart Virtues. This will require focus away from the distractions being placed before you. Whether you decide to do this now or later it will be required for ascension protocol.

Evolution is the purpose for your soul’s progression, and it has been delayed long enough. This is not what the current world wants for you, and that is why there are so many distractions to keep your focus off your soul’s empowerment. Might you be feeling the disparity within? Do you feel the need to stay occupied and busy right now? This is due to the ones that know we are on the edge of a great spiritual revelation, and they don’t want an awakened people. If you focus on your spiritual nature, you will feel the truth of it, and this is not going to support their current narrative. You are headed for enlightenment; that is the foundation of an awakening consciousness. This is the bridge between your levels of ascent toward connecting your Divine mind with your highest self.

Your spiritual path and progress does not lie outside of yourself. It is within your being and the confirmation of this comes from the development of the sacred triangle within your being connecting your heart, mind, and soul to create the expansion and expression of the Divine Mind. You can feel the changes within every part of your being. You have a major upgrade to your DNA happening now and it is increasing your levels of awareness. You may experience this in smells, tastes, feelings, and thoughts. Every part of your being is changing and expanding into a new way of experiencing and expressing yourself. You are not the same person you were. You may feel somewhat lost at times, and this is nothing to be concerned with. You are expanding and shifting on all levels! It is a good thing and should be allowed to progress.

You will find yourself at peace once you let go of expectations. Mastering the consistent feeling of peace lies within your ability to allow yourself to flow with the expansion and changes that you are feeling as truth within your being. It is not an easy progression, but yet you know this, and should still proceed. This is what you are here to do! You are the change you wish to behold, and it is believable! There is no where else that you will find the ‘answers’, for they are not readable, they are only felt through the new senses that are you are developing. You have always been an energetic being, and now you must tune into that reality for everything is based on energetics, frequencies, and electromagnetics. With the reconnection and expansion of your DNA, you are finding yourself ‘knowing’ when things are in alignment or are fragmented and distorted. It is a disposition of frequencial attunement to all layers of your being that are in concert with the highest version of yourself and the Universe at large. Yes!, you can connect to the Universal stream of love that comes from Source Consciousness through the trust you place in your higher self to guide you and expand your grace.

It is now time to awaken to the reason for your existence at this time. You are here to make a difference and in knowing this you will accomplish this most sacred mission.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️


February 16, 2015

There is much to say about the complexities of the mind and the activation of the heart to establish the heart/mind connection. This connection bypasses the ego, as the heart is not connected to the ego and never has been. The heart generates its own ‘thoughts’ as it has true intelligence without the conflicts that the mind conjures. The ego operates through the mind. This is why your spiritual evolution is linked to the activation of the heart.

The virtues of forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation, understanding, tolerance, patience, compassion, and valor all reside within the heart. The mind is a computer that reasons and makes factual decisions. It is also the seat of your fear, anger, depression, and judgment. This is why decisions made solely with the mind don’t often work out. When the heart and the mind are conjoined, the decisions that you make are made with the intelligence of the mind and the virtues of the heart. The heart filters out the ego as it does not recognize it. The mind does not want the heart involved in its decisions, and will fight for its control. That is why quick decisions are empty.

The world is made of glass. It can be shattered at any moment. Decisions made solely from the mind do not reinforce your life which resides behind the glass, which is your true self. Life is not meant to be lived in support of the illusion that has been created for you and upheld by you. The true things in life that matter are not accessed by the mind. Those things are accessed through the heart, where true lasting happiness resides!

Where does the intelligence of the heart come from? Within the heart lies the connection to your higher self and that of Universal Consciousness. This is why the heart has the ability to guide you and show you the truth in any situation. Lasting connection with the heart requires intention that is reinforced daily. When you learn through intention and practice to connect your mind [thoughts] with your heart, you will live a happier and more peaceful life. This way of living shatters the illusion and brings you information that leads you to the truth of your being and the world. When you find this place of authenticity and grace, you will have all that you desire. Nothing will be withheld from you and you will gift this energy to others, who will see this peace and understanding within you and want it for themselves. If you do nothing else in the world but this, you will have created a ripple that will affect many and it all started with you. You are a force of good in the world. Believe and conceive a better life for yourself. Be well, Be love