Seasonal Love

T’is the season to be happy, healthy, and whole!

The season of gratitude and thanksgiving has just passed leading into the season of love and acceptance with the season of new beginnings to follow after that.  There is a reason for the alignment of the seasons to follow each other, one after the other at the end of the year and beginning of the next.  The seasons follow the succession of the integration of the heart virtues leading up to the harvest of the work you have done internally through the year.

This has been an extremely challenging year of change and transformation; cleansing, healing, clarifying, purging, and refining the spiritual nature of your being.  There are some that have had a difficult time transforming their lives into clarity and alignment with what is going on within.  This is the nature of the spirit; to evolve, grow and expand into another higher and more expressive vibration of love and peace.  This cannot be accomplished unless the spiritual work is done within first, through the healing process of removing resistance to ‘what is’ that can be transformed into light.

The lessons that lead to this wondrous journey are called heart virtues.  There is a willingness that one must have to walk the path of the heart virtues and the succession of awareness that is built each step of the way leading you on to the next virtue to uncover any resistance (fear) that your past programming reveals to you along the way.  The journey sounds complex, but it doesn’t have to be.  The part that is most difficult is the judgement and resistance that reveals itself when there is a conflict of interest.  These are the pockets of stored information from early installations of experiences you did not know what to do with, and so it was tucked away where it is not consciously dealt with unless something happens to trigger that information.  That brings the information to the conscious mind and is revealed and brought to the surface for contemplation and healing.  The virtues of compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and humility can transmute this information turning it to love through understanding the true lesson and purpose of the information.  There is something to be gained by this information no matter what it is, and sometimes it is merely the reinforcement of the virtues that are learned and practiced through the revelation of the stored information. This process continues as you convert your judgements and resistance to love through the virtues of:

  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Understanding
  • Gratitude
  • Appreciation
  • Acceptance
  • Valor
  • Humility

There is nothing that cannot be transformed into the higher vibration of love through the practice, implementation, and integration of the heart virtues within your being.

May this season of love bring you the happiness, joy, and peace that resides within a healed heart and divine mind.

Be Well, Be Love


As one of the heart virtues, compassion is the expression that is needed most in the now.

We are in a time of mixed emotions.  There are those that wish harm and suffering on as many as possible.  These are the ones that have not healed internally and have looked outside of themselves for relief through beliefs that harming others will lead to their redemption.  Healing is an internal process and one that can be extremely overwhelming.  Depending on the programming one has endured, it is difficult to know where to start.  This cannot be done without internal asking which creates guidance and direction from ones’ higher self.  With conscious awareness one can ‘hear’ the answers within and healing can begin.

It is not easy to watch those we love struggle to evolve.  If you have awakened the heart virtues within, your spirit knows how to tune into compassion that will be for the highest and best good of all concerned.  Your conscious awareness of the peaceful prose that the heart virtues effectuate, can lead to understanding the suffering that is happening around you. If a desire arises to express pity on those that are suffering, the heart will call forth compassion instead, for pity is judgement and does not contain any love.  You can assist those involved with finding the truth, which is where all suffering starts.  Suffering is a call out to begin healing, for one cannot suffer if there is clarity and wellness within.

The emotion that is called upon (without judgement) is compassion.  This expression of love is a very powerful grace that envelops those you focus upon, and assists with activating their spiritual center leading them to clarity.  This is the purpose of the expression of compassion, and active internal representation of the heart virtues.  When you are living these virtues, you are expressing your life through your heart and vibrating to the frequency of light and the energy of love.

The process of becoming aware of your compassionate thoughts happens with the activation of the Divine Mind. This is the conscious awareness of feeling what you are thinking with your heart.  This can only happen with the transfiguration of the heart by activating the heart virtues. This leads to conscious awareness of your thoughts and calling upon your heart to ‘think good thoughts’ leading to the Unity of Oneness where all healing and clarity occurs. This is how you can be a force for good in the world and assist those that are lost and confused. This is your prose and purpose as an awakened heart when witnessing suffering.

The graceful act of gratitude for the assistance you provide those in need using the heart virtues through Divine Mind, brings more of the energy of love to the world.  This is what will provide the healing necessary, and to assist those that capable of being able to take the actions necessary to make a difference and create change.  These are the ways to be the change you want to see in the world.

Be Well, Be Love 



The Now

Things continue to get more interesting!  There is so much distraction, that creating division seems to be the norm.  This keeps you from focusing on what really matters.  It is all designed to pull you from your Center and slow your spiritual growth to stop the evolution of your soul. The good news is that this is Divinely designed to strengthen your internal resolve and challenge you to practice and anchor the heart virtues to further manifest who you really are; which is a powerful spiritual being. This is what these times are for!

Tolerance, gratitude, and compassion are key expressions for the current time. Knowing that you can make a difference, while working within the virtues, is key to your personal evolution. There may be many things that are happening now that you may not be able to do anything about, yet being centered and balanced within your heart at all times will assist more than you know!  This is the strength of love that is needed now to assist others in their processes. It is not an easy task, but it is the greatest act of love one can put forth!

One thing to remember above all else is that there are no accidents or mistakes, and everything is designed for spiritual growth and refinement. It isn’t as complicated as it seems; our minds and egos make it seem so. Find that place of peace within through the heart virtues. That’s where true peace resides.

Be Well, Be Love

To Be or not to Be

Alignment with the highest expression of yourself is imperative at this time.

The chaos that ensues is happening within everyone that has not worked within to heal and connect to the heart.  The current time is forged with despair and courageous deeds.  It is a time of heightened acts and concerns of the ego, as the ego fights for its place in the world.  The energy being created by this egoic sense of panic puts forth separation consciousness.  This is far from being connected to ones’ heart, as the ego pines to be in charge thus eliminating Unity Consciousness that is the true power.

As more confusion is created to appeal to the ego, peace and alignment with what really matters to allow the truth to surface is diminished.  This creates opportunity to go within and determine why you feel the importance of fighting for separation consciousness; if that is indeed what you are allowing in your current consciousness.  Peace is found through surrendering the need to fight and not allowing the ego to create your experience.  Allowing everything in the illusion that exists to unfold naturally and as it will, creates the support from your heart to trust that all will all be aligned with the perfect will of Spirit.  This current time calls out to the heart to step into its power with the Heart Virtues in full force!  None of these virtues call for ‘taking sides’ or elevating egoic consciousness.  The more that you step into the power of the heart, the more truth will be allowed to come forth.  The more you fight with the ego consciousness, the more delays and confusion will perpetuate.  This is not what this time is about.  It is about staying true to your power to contribute to the healing and wellness within and align with Unity Consciousness.  The fluctuation of energy that is taking place is nothing more than distraction being generated, to feed the egoic centers of the few to keep things copesetic and unbalanced.

It is up to us as heart centered beings to be the ones that stay centered in peace and tranquility to support truth and unity, knowing we can change the world.

As you join with your truth, it will expand to create trust.  Trust has within it the component necessary to effectuate the energy needed for change. This is the cycle that is meant to be at this time.  Knowing this deep within your being will elevate your frequency match with love and expand that energy to counteract the chaos that exists.

It is imperative that you find the disparity that may be perpetuated by your own judgement that is being stimulated with the current time of change and evolution.  We are being tested to find out where we are as humans that finally have a voice to express our current state of being.  Shall this be lost to the Pied Piper?  Have we done all the work within only to allow ourselves to be judge and jury?  This does not mean that we cannot effectuate change if we surrender the egoic responses that are being stimulated.  This means that we can exude our power from the spiritual nature we have that is our innate sense of being, and that is who we really are!  If we each choose to support that which is truth, we will have chosen to evolve within our true nature and goodness will prevail.  That is a promise made within the structure of our true purpose during this time of change.

Be Well, Be Love


A new time has begun with the transition from fear to peaceful purpose!  The energy that is upon you is asking that you gracefully allow things to unfold without judgement, and expect the best.

If you were to look back to the last year at this same time, what has changed?  Do you see a years’ worth of struggle or a tremendous amount of spiritual evolution within your being?  What can you contribute these changes to mean?  There has been much happening to give you opportunities for heart centered growth and evolutionary gain.  If you have been living within the heart virtues and letting them guide your life, you have experienced things much differently than others that are not consciously aware of this graciousness.

The expansion of your spiritual nature has been challenged, and this has made you aware of the difference between heart centered consciousness and ego awareness.  Aligning with the decisions made from your heart is a much different path than those made by your ego.  The ‘I know better than anyone else’ mind set arrives at a dead end.  The attitude of wanting to include others in the process of relating to their heart comes from the inclusion of grace within your life.

Finding the place within the connection to your heart and allowing your life to express this connection always awakens others to the peace you hold within.  Coming from this place inspires others to want this for themselves and shows them where their misalignments might be.  This then creates a crack within their paradigm that leaves a place for clarity and light to enter.  From that moment forward they are forever changed and their heart is activated.  When this happens, they will feel the difference between the ego and their heart centered activation.  This is a powerful time for them as they choose what part of themselves to listen to.  The more that you interact with someone the more they are affected by your heart frequency, and the more stimulated by the love sent forth from you activates their being.  The feeling of your grace filled composure ignites the internal recesses of their soul to reach for more and search within.  Your life giving spiritual nature aligns with others at the same energy frequency.  When you take your heart out into the world you affect others in a very profound way!  This is the next step for a heart centered person leading their life in such a way, with graciousness as their creed.  If this makes sense to you then it is you who are meant to change the world, to heal and activate the spirit within those you encounter.

The transitional energy that is now being expressed wants to find the higher frequency to lift all up into clarity and heart awareness activation.  You are that frequency of light that searches for the likeness of itself within everything and everyone, and when it ignites that within others it communes in clarity and love.  This generates ecstatic enlightenment and a change of energy.  Go forward in the attitude of graciousness towards all you encounter with your heart in full activation!

Blessings to you in 2017.  It is the year of enlightenment!

Be Well, Be Love


Seeing is believing and trusting is believing without seeing.  To rise above the ego mind and trust is far more difficult than anything …. other than faith.  Faith and trust are very similar in that there is no proof that they exist.  Trust is a value as is faith, and both come from the same place, the heart.

Why should you develop trust?  Trust allows the truth to come forward and faith allows you to believe in it.  Trust is really in one’s self, as you are the one who allows it.  You must believe in yourself and your heart to be fully connected to trust.  If you trust someone else, you have faith [believe] in them enough to trust them [truth].  If you trust a situation or event will turn out the way you want it to, you must first know your part in it as you must be in perfect truth for the outcome to be assured.  There is another side to this as well in that you must always trust that things will be as they are meant to be, and only 100% of the time!  There are no accidents or mistakes and all is on perfect timing and task.  This is how the Universe was created, and when you trust in its perfection and have faith in your process, everything in your life will reflect that power [love].

Trust and faith put the 10 heart virtues into action.  Without these foundational values nothing else will work.  Trust and faith are facets of love.  For example, forgiveness is rooted in love with faith that you trust yourself to believe in the forgiveness you are enacting.  Compassion and understanding are an extension of love trusting that it will be received and make a difference.  Each virtue carries with it love consciousness [through the heart] with trust and faith as the processors.  As your awareness of this increases the more powerful your heart virtues become, and you turn into a mighty beacon of light and love!

With trust and faith there are no mistakes.  Since these values work with the heart in the pure expression of truth, there can be no mistakes; as mistakes are only an illusion of the ego mind used to create fear and project weakness.  When one is working with truth, the ego mind is not active and cannot create the illusion of mistakes or weakness, as truth is strength and directly connected to and operating from the heart.

The vibration of truth is such that it corrects all things existing within a situation or process and cannot be diluted.  This means that truth is without ‘mistakes’ (sic) and love is its foundation.  When truth is expressed, trusted, and believed it cannot uphold any illusion.  This means that reality is based on truth and illusion is created and maintained from the ego mind.  When you can trust your heart and have faith in yourself you live in truth and your reality is without illusion.  The reflections of ego such as fear, dismay, sadness, degradation, anger, and disillusionment cannot reside in a heart conscious being.  This is the key to your spiritual evolution and your guidelines to living a life based in reality where only happiness, joy, and peace are the cornerstones of your existence.

Trust your heart and have faith in yourself.

Be Well, Be Love ♥


What is grace?  Grace is the energy created out of pure love.  It is the energy that comes from the vibrations of the 10 Virtues (see Sacrednicity, Peace Within).  Grace is given to all that ask for it, and it is the foundation of all healing and restoration.  Grace is also a state of being i.e. ‘In the state of Grace’.

When you ask for assistance through prayer, Grace is given to the subject of the prayer and is bestowed upon the one that is asking.  Prayers are generated through intention.  The prayer [intention] that is generated calls out to the vibration of the heart virtue that will assist in answering the intention [prayer].  This then creates an emotion from the heart that adds power and strength to the intention.  This energy vibration [emotion] creates and magnifies the Grace that is sent to the subject of the prayer.  When this Grace is received it adds to the vibration and frequency of the receiver, and gives strength to the intention from which it was created.  This is why multiple persons creating the same prayer [intention] works so well.  The power of Grace sent to one specific person or place will modify the receiver and surround them with the vibration of the Grace that was originated.  For instance, if the intention was for healing, and emotion was combined with the vibration of the virtue of Compassion then sent to the receiver, the Grace would be magnified and the receiver would benefit greatly from the effect.  This is the place from whence miracles are created and manifested!

Grace is the energy of love, healing, and the eradication of fear.  Fear is the absence of Grace; as fear is generated from the ego mind and Grace is generated from the heart.  One can ask and receive Grace if they operate from the ego mind, however they will not have the full benefit of the effect that Grace offers unless they are able to receive it within their heart, as the love that it is.  The heart virtue of Humility is the receptor vibration of Grace.  Fear does not allow the heart virtues to flourish and achieve their full potential.  Fear shuts down heart consciousness and alienates Grace.

One cannot thrive while in the state of fear.  Fear wears many faces.  Sometimes fear is so obscure that one does not know they are operating within it.  If you practice the heart virtues but yet find judgement is something you ‘practice’ consistently, you are not within the State of Grace.  Judgement is fear based and more common than any other type of fear.  Doubt, worry, and stress are also fear based emotions and keep the ego mind in full force.  Consciously realizing you are in the state of fear, and going within to find the basis of that fear, will offer instant Grace from your heart for healing.  Anytime that your awareness is consciously focused upon something within (fear for example) for which you request healing, it will be answered with Grace.  This can be noticed through emotion.  The hearts response will generate an emotion for you to work with that will inspire more Grace.  And so begins the healing process within!  This process will continue as you consciously request (through prayer/intention) it, and work with belief, faith, and trusting in yourself to heal through Grace.

Conscious awareness of the differences between thoughts and emotions that arise in your experience will guide you to Graceful living and thriving within and without your life.  This will lead to a life of wonder and illumination of the Grace filled existence you long for and deserve!

Be Well, Be Love


Change is a necessary part of evolution.  The more difficult the change means that you are ready for a leap in your consciousness, and this shift is felt more within your heart.

You are entering a time where ‘heart consciousness’ is the next phase of your expansion.  Feeling, reasoning, and living from heart centered consciousness is the pathway of the new heart centered existence.  Setting the intention to flow with this transformation is the first step toward tuning in to, and opening the door to this wave of solidarity.

The saying ‘be the change you want to see in the world’ is truly the reflection of ‘as within, so without’.  The progression of your life has been riddled with challenges of all kinds, but these were growth steps in your development to bring you to this place, here and now.  Change is challenging, and the current changes are connected to the truth coming to the forefront of your awareness.  All change at this time is meant for you to become conscious of the awareness that resides within reflected in what you see, hear, and do.  The discovery of this connection reveals to you the advent that oneness is everything connected to everything.  The purpose that underlies your development and growth creates the change that you experience, and are experiencing now.  There are no accidents or mistakes.  Your reaction to change sets off the next steps in your evolution.  The electromagnetic response you emit draws to you the next set of events to further your cause, or change your course.  When you have reached the conclusion of a growth cycle, change is signaled to start a new cycle.  This new cycle is the next step in your evolutionary process, which is at this time related to what your path of service in this lifetime truly is.

Allowing change to assist you with your spiritual awakening is the key to the metamorphosis of your life.  As was mentioned in an earlier post, aligning the heart with the mind was a step toward initiating this new reality within.  When the heart and the mind are melded and operating as one, changes of all kinds will initiate bringing your life new meaning and saturating your being with the light of new awareness.  When the change that comes upon you is accepted with understanding and humility, you are opening your heart to the next level of consciousness.  This does not mean that it is easy, as this is a major transformation of shifting from an ego centered life to a heart centered life!  Allowing this to flow within your being will fill you with the grace of acceptance and well being.

Be Well, Be Love


Finding your way through the maze of energy and information today can be difficult for the energetic static is astounding!

This time finds all swimming in a soup of energy that is the result of integrating the 4th dimensional frequency.  This frequency has replaced the three dimensional band, and anytime a dimensional acquisition occurs there is an imbalance created by those who are not ready.  The work that has needed to be done within is crucial to this time, as fear does not vibrate in consignment with 4D frequency.  This means then that fear is surfacing for observation and healing.  Things that cause fear to surface come from within even though it is thought that it resides without.

All the fear and doubt that arises must be looked at, healed, and purged.  There is no other way!  Even if you wanted to side step this process, you cannot.  We have entered a time when we cannot live with fear as it is part of the 3D construct.  Fear does not exist in 4D and higher.  This is why the energy seems to be erratic.  If fear is not healed, it continues to be generated and released into the ether.  When this energy becomes dense it is felt by all and feeds upon itself.  The origin of the fear that is not healed but regenerated starts to disintegrate the host, as fear is toxic and cannot be withstood within the construct of 4D.  This is why facing your fear and healing it turns it into the energy of love, and is then released out to counter the toxic energy of fear that currently exists.

Balance is the alignment of regeneration and transformation.  Balance is the space between healing and purging.  Finding balance is the peace within while transformation takes place.  Absence of peace is the presence of fear.  Understanding this is key to your spiritual well-being, and stepping into this truth knowing that healing must take place for proper realignment to achieve balance, is important.

This current time of static energy creates change.  Change is the metamorphosis of any frequency adjustment.  Although change may not feel or look like a blessing, all change at this time should be considered such.  There are many reasons for change, but in this current time it is to create opportunity for realignment with oneself.  If an environment exists where one cannot evolve, or is toxic or both, change will happen to remove the higher frequency from the lower frequency.  Higher and lower frequencies repel each other.  If the lower frequency is not within reach where you can affect it, it will be removed from your experience.  This is the work of your Higher Self and Spirit assisting you with renovating your being.  You can be assured that there are no accidents or mistakes and, at the same time, bolster your faith in the process!

Understanding this truth is of major importance to your alignment, expansion, and flow.  Healing and purging the fear that surfaces during this time is critical.  Calling upon Father, your Higher Self, your Angels, Guides, or whomever you commensurate with is of great help to you with the intention of healing and finding balance.  Your time is now and blessings are many.  Know that you are a being of love and light!

Be Well, Be Love


Where does true happiness and joy come from?  Loving yourself and others is a requirement of happiness but true joy is felt through humility.

There is much to be said for humility of the self.  Humility of the self and humility of the spirit are linked but are two different aspects.  Humility of the self is related to the egoism of consciousness.  The ego aspect of the self is ever changing and a true challenge for it shrouds itself in falsehood.  As such, the ego can side step the truth by giving you a false sense of humility to create a notion of balance and keep you engaged. With the ego present and operating within your consciousness, there is opposition to true humility.  The ego is not meant for humility and if it feels threatened, it will respond in kind.  At no time when you are operating solely from the ego can you feel humble. The ego is meant for creating and maintaining fear, separation, and anxiety.  This is the state of being that sometimes feels familiar and comfortable and therefore espouses a false sense of the self.

Becoming conscious of where your thoughts are coming from and why, will open a connection to your heart and allow the Virtues to stream forward (Patience, Understanding, Tolerance, Gratitude, Valor, Humility, Compassion).  Surrendering to the truth of Egoic consciousness allows you to enact the first step of spiritual awareness, which is humility.  This then creates the flow of true Universal Love for one’s self which is the purest form of Gratitude.  Putting forth the full spectrum of the Virtues, and feeling them within your heart, will then carry you forward to Joy!  Allowing the Virtues to activate within your being is humility of spirit and expands your consciousness.  Therein lies peace of mind, heart, and soul.  This is the spiritual expression of love for one’s self as a true aspect of Source creating unity consciousness. There is no ego operating when this state of being is achieved.

Understanding how your spiritual nature operates through the Virtue of Humility and how that aspect graduates all the other Virtues, is imperative to your evolution.  This holds within it the key to spiritual expansion and aggregation of your being!

Be Well, Be Love