
Finding your way through the maze of energy and information today can be difficult for the energetic static is astounding!

This time finds all swimming in a soup of energy that is the result of integrating the 4th dimensional frequency.  This frequency has replaced the three dimensional band, and anytime a dimensional acquisition occurs there is an imbalance created by those who are not ready.  The work that has needed to be done within is crucial to this time, as fear does not vibrate in consignment with 4D frequency.  This means then that fear is surfacing for observation and healing.  Things that cause fear to surface come from within even though it is thought that it resides without.

All the fear and doubt that arises must be looked at, healed, and purged.  There is no other way!  Even if you wanted to side step this process, you cannot.  We have entered a time when we cannot live with fear as it is part of the 3D construct.  Fear does not exist in 4D and higher.  This is why the energy seems to be erratic.  If fear is not healed, it continues to be generated and released into the ether.  When this energy becomes dense it is felt by all and feeds upon itself.  The origin of the fear that is not healed but regenerated starts to disintegrate the host, as fear is toxic and cannot be withstood within the construct of 4D.  This is why facing your fear and healing it turns it into the energy of love, and is then released out to counter the toxic energy of fear that currently exists.

Balance is the alignment of regeneration and transformation.  Balance is the space between healing and purging.  Finding balance is the peace within while transformation takes place.  Absence of peace is the presence of fear.  Understanding this is key to your spiritual well-being, and stepping into this truth knowing that healing must take place for proper realignment to achieve balance, is important.

This current time of static energy creates change.  Change is the metamorphosis of any frequency adjustment.  Although change may not feel or look like a blessing, all change at this time should be considered such.  There are many reasons for change, but in this current time it is to create opportunity for realignment with oneself.  If an environment exists where one cannot evolve, or is toxic or both, change will happen to remove the higher frequency from the lower frequency.  Higher and lower frequencies repel each other.  If the lower frequency is not within reach where you can affect it, it will be removed from your experience.  This is the work of your Higher Self and Spirit assisting you with renovating your being.  You can be assured that there are no accidents or mistakes and, at the same time, bolster your faith in the process!

Understanding this truth is of major importance to your alignment, expansion, and flow.  Healing and purging the fear that surfaces during this time is critical.  Calling upon Father, your Higher Self, your Angels, Guides, or whomever you commensurate with is of great help to you with the intention of healing and finding balance.  Your time is now and blessings are many.  Know that you are a being of love and light!

Be Well, Be Love