
Grief in its many forms makes its way into your life on occasion.  Grief creates the opportunity to cleanse your perception and make way for the pureness of heart and expansion of your spirit.  Any and all old outworn energy and programming must fall away for the new and transformed version of you to emerge through the experiences you have along your journey, including grief.  There is no other way to evolve and expand, which is what you are here to do.

The filter you use to process your experiences changes as you progress making your heart expand.  This filter is created by your ongoing experiences, and each experience you have layers on top of the next; that is unless you transform, heal, and grow from each one independently.  This is important because the filter you use is everything to your journey.  Nothing can expand in a field of old, outworn energy and opinions.  The intention of your heart and soul is to grow, expand, and evolve.  Without cleansing your filter on an ongoing basis you can shrink and settle into despair.

Your filter is used to create your perception.  You must never stop learning, experiencing, and evolving.  This is what your journey is all about, but you must keep your filter clean and restored whenever necessary.  Nothing is more important than an increasing awareness of your understanding of each experience you have.  To continue to layer over your filter is to diminish its effectiveness and cloud your perceptions which diminishes the clarity you must hold within your being.

Your life’s journey and its meaning cannot flow without the careful and contemplated healing and loving compartmentalizing of your experience.  After all, it is your spirit that is enriched through your journey.  The enrichment of who you are becoming through the filter of your life is the key to your evolution.  Regret, indecision, complacency, disregard, and sadness are all disfigurement of your filter.  Your past experiences, if not healed, cleansed, and the pain removed with love and understanding, will cloud your filter.  If this is not properly cared for it will clog your journey and stop your evolution.

Some signs to look for that reveal you have a distorted filter is when you will become bored, listless, needing constant stimulation, and leaning on others for their help, attention, and consolation.  This is when you become blinded by your filter and stop living your life through your heart and live vicariously through others.  Also, you feel that you have no control over your life and others can easily manipulate you into being whomever they want you to be and think whatever they want you to think.

The good news is that recognizing this in-cognizance will create a ‘crack’ in your filter that will allow grace to pour into your being and start to repair that which was lost in your misinterpretation of the truth, if this is your intention.  Being a part of the goodness life holds is only seen through a clear, loving, and healthy filter.  You must first be able to ‘see’ it before you can take part in it.

The seeds from your past properly cared for and revised with love will plant loving expression in the future.  Your heart is a sun, and your experiences given love from your heart will cleanse your filter and make your journey one of loving expression.  Your filter purifies your expression through constant care and cleaning.  This expands your spirit and reveals the connection to the Source of your being.

Be Well, Be Love  ♥

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