Proper Discernment

A few years ago I had a situation within my family that left me disturbed and confused.  I struggled with this situation, and could not understand what seemed to me to be and absence of compassion and proper discernment concerning this event.  I went through a lot of emotions not wanting to deal with the reality of the whole thing.  That would mean that I would have to look at them for who they truly are and not who I thought they should be. 

At the time, my Husband thought I was ‘airy fairy’ because I don’t acknowledge the ‘negative’ or ‘dark’ sides of people.  And, because of that he states that I am not respected.  Well, that may be true.  I have never looked at anyone with judgement.  I prefer to let people be who they are and keep my inner peace by letting all things be.  This did however deeply disturb me, so I asked Sophia to help me gain clarity about this situation.  Below is the session I had with her at the time regarding this disturbance within my family:

Sophia ~

Q:  As you know a lot has happened this last week [my realization]. I feel better about it, but would still like your input as to why I put myself in these situations.  I am a loving being.  What does all of that hurt and anguish have to do with me?

A:  You are learning to look at things for what they are, not what you want them to be. There is nothing about this [situation] that is punishing.

Q:  So I am not being real and genuine unless I look at and accept the true intent of others?  How does that help me be genuine?

A:  You must acknowledge the dark side of life along with the beauty. These are part of you and in denying them in others you are denying them in yourself.  This is part of merging the two parts of you to create more light.  There has to be balance for this to be done and you have to have awareness to do this.  This is the path toward wholeness that you are on.

Q:  So, what I need to do is just acknowledge that it is there? That it [darkness] exists?

A:  Yes. This is true honesty and then acceptance if you can truly understand and integrate it into your being.

Q:  What about intentions? How does the intentions of others play a part in my life?  Do I need to examine them as well?

A:  Yes, although there can be a lot of misunderstandings with trying to guess what someone’s intentions might be. Look closely at what is not being said compared to the questions you have and you can uncover intentions.  You must, however be in a neutral state to do this.  That is why it is so hard to do.

Thank you, Sophia!  ♥

And this ended my Q&A.  I had enough to think about and ponder, so I just thanked Sophia and will explore more on this topic later.

Michell ♥

After the [above] Q&A I had with Sophia, I asked a dear friend of mine what she thought of the interaction.  She responded that although she felt it hit on some good subject matter, it didn’t quite feel ‘finished’.  So, during a chat (IM) we finished it.  This is the session below:


Did you read my last Sophia post yet?


I did…thank you so much for posting…it felt like there might be more there for you/us. Sophia’s words sounded a bit like XXX’s  and I’m not sure what to do with that. What do you think? 

I’m not meaning to offend in any way, I was just kind of struck with the similarities.


Yes, I do.  The reason the words sounded like XXX’s was because of the issue he brought up which was what the issue really was.  I was asking Sophia about the things he brought up.  I really felt clarity about it….  It answered the feelings he brought up in me about not seeing people for who they really are and only looking at the good things and not everything.  It is necessary for me to look people for who they really are and not who I want them to be.  I am still going to be me but not hide behind sweetness and light all the time.

I will still, however just be me and see the good in people first.  Acknowledging this is helping me a lot right now deal with things at work.  Our Boss is projecting this sweet ‘I’m a great guy’ image when he has an agenda.  I have always avoided the agenda and not wanted to see it.  Now, I am looking at it and it gives me the whole picture so that I am not looking at things with those rose colored glasses anymore.  I feel more in control and calmer because of it.  At peace……………


I am pretty sure I share this issue with you, and that’s why it is harder to see in myself. I really appreciate all that you’ve shared. I am feeling like I’m starting to see people more for how they are and how to let go of how I’d like them to be. It can be difficult to see myself in their reflection.


Actually, that’s the thing.  What I have found through all of this is that we are all aspects of each other because we are all one.  And, if I don’t possess an aspect that someone else has, I don’t ‘see’ it.  I am learning how to expand my awareness to acknowledge these aspects without taking them on to understand them.


That is a very useful way to look at it!


So, the reason you and I can’t see them in ourselves is because we don’t recognize or have any experience with them and let’s face it, most people have an agenda or want something from us.  We just need to allow ourselves to acknowledge what it/that is without thinking we are judging or going into a negative place to see it.


I was going to say that I’ve been trying to take “The Four Agreements” into consideration a little more often…especially the part about not taking things personally. Although it gets confusing sometimes when you think in terms of “we are one” and the reflection of what someone is projecting.

I like that way of thinking (what you just said) Thanks!


Yes, and if you look at them as an aspect of Source as a whole, not of yourself, you are just acknowledging that aspect and not taking it on.


So…become the compassionate and unattached observer?


Good way to put it!  Because we are so sensitive and used to being overly responsible by taking everything on and ‘fixing’ it, that we need to use the wisdom of just acknowledging it is there and doesn’t belong to us.  Our job is not to fix anymore…..just to be the light for situations, events, and people.  We can acknowledge it and shine our light on it and those that have those aspects.


Very good point, and exactly what I’m looking at right now…feeling like I was responsible for fixing outcomes that were not ever in my control…or ever could be.

How does it translate when it DOES feel personal?


Some people have the aspects of a situation that I don’t possess.  But by me acknowledging even the negative parts of the situation, I am able to recognize that’s what it is [negative aspects] and heal it within myself (the emotions it creates).  I don’t have to possess the aspects that create the negativity….but I have to acknowledge them for myself to heal.  So, I am not going to take on (because I can’t, I didn’t create their experience) their issues.  If I did, I would have to lower my frequency/vibration in order to ‘deal’ with their actions.  I am choosing to keep my vibration where it is and extend it to them if ever I am given the opportunity, but not to allow it to inhibit me in my growth.  Because of that my frequency becomes clearer and higher and I’m staying in gratitude and appreciation.  If I allow myself to get involved in these things, which is what this is (drama) I go outside of who I really am and into their CCC (crisis, chaos, conflict), which is not who I am…………

And, if I were to do that, I would become confused and ill at ease because I don’t resonate with that level of vibration, so I would feel sick and upset.


SUCH a great response!  That explains a lot for me, thank you! I think this particular response should be in your blog somewhere…really, really good translation of what you actually can chose to focus on!


I felt a release when this conversation was over.  It is wonderful to be given such clarity over a sensitive issue such as family can create.  I love my family and will never judge them for who they are.

Michell  ♥


Self Love

Self-Love is an important part of your spiritual evolution.  This is the basis of your essence.  Without self-love nothing in your world will work.  Everything you are is based from this one expression.  All your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and actions come from self-love…..or the lack thereof!   

Self-love feeds your energy and enlivens your spirit.  This is a love of a spiritual nature that was created by Source to inspire and create within the world that was created for you.  This love encompasses all parts of yourself, internal and external.  As you care for your body you are caring for your spirit, for without the body your evolution on Gaia would cease.  This is a heartfelt expression of your spiritual self.  It involves seeing the good within and expressing virtuous actions toward yourself. 

This love of yourself does not relate to the ego as this action of loving yourself is not admiration of the ego. You cannot love others without loving yourself first!  The ‘you’ someone falls in love with, is the ‘you’ that you love first.  If the love you have for yourself is superficial, then that is what someone else will love too.  This would be the egoic part of you expressing love for itself.  This love arises in the mind (lower) and showers itself with materialism.  This love is merely illusionary at best and hurtful at worst.  It does not have any satisfaction and needs to be ‘replenished’ constantly.   This is not self-love.

When you follow the thoughts of your higher mind, your expression comes from the heart.  This is the love that you express back to Source.  These acts of love are prayers of essence that combine with others to create an energy that reacts with Source energy.  This loving energy seemingly reflects back to you, when in reality it IS you.  When you give the love to others that you have for yourself, it comes back to you from all those you interact with.  This then activates that part of you that is connected directly with Source and fills your life with all good things.  This is experienced by internal peace, good health, happiness, and love.   Love is our natural state of being.  It is where we came from, where we are, and where we are going back to.  Love yourself first, then you can experience the love that is around you! ♥


Deliberate Intention

It is a strange time of confusion and internal deliberation.  It is obvious to many that the old is needing release to empower the new evolved state of being.  It is a time of reconciliation and healing, something that you have been doing layer by layer along the way.  The most difficult and questionable issues were left for now when you have had ‘practice’ healing the more obvious issues. 

This is a time when deliberate intention is needed, for any difficult and possibly misunderstood experiences are the hardest to reason with.  The intention is to heal the issue is the most important step.  This sets in motion the actual desire to heal without understanding the reasons for the issue in the first place!  There does not need to be a reason to heal; just having an intention to do so will start the process.  This intention has the energy of forgiveness, nonjudgement, compassion, understanding, tolerance, and faith.  This is all for you packaged in the intention to heal anything, no matter what, without knowing the reason or knowing why, for the issue. 

Many feel that healing something is ‘allowing’ it or giving permission for it to have happened.  That is one reason to keep from healing and thusly allowing yourself to hold on to the issue out of fear of what might take its place if it is healed.  Nothing but love can take the place of an injury in a healed heart and soul.  You are not allowing anything; you are giving yourself permission to heal and let go of an issue that you may have or not had anything to do with, or you could not change it from happening.  It may also be something you have yet to grieve.  It is not an easy process for all kinds of reasons, but deliberate intention to heal and release the issue will assist more than you know.  This is where the ability to find peace and understanding with all that is, and has happened, that will transform your reality.  This will open new vistas into a new dimensional state of being.   Giving yourself permission to heal these issues so that they will fall away and be transformed into love, will set yourself free to love even more. 

There is a shadow side to everything and everyone.  It is the shadow that is generated and powered by the ego that keeps you trapped in fear.  And this fear is of change, for complacency is a ‘happy place’ for many.  It keeps things ‘status quo’ and abates evolution.  And yet evolving is what we are here to do!  That was your intention when you incarnated.  Do you feel you are evolving?  Are the same issues haunting you?  Are you out of ideas and ways to deal with nagging issues?  If you are part of any issue that is affecting your life, you are allowing it to keep you in fear.  And, after a while of having the issue in your life, you become complacent in dealing with it and you absorb it into your being as ‘status quo’.  There are ways that you are dealing with these issues without dealing with them and that shows if you are having physical issues, times of unexpected sadness or depression, unhappiness with your life, and many other kinds of ‘outbreaks’.  These should not be happening.  You deserve to be happy and content and at peace in your life.  This healthy state of being leads to gratitude, appreciation, joy, and bliss!  This is your inheritance for being incarnated on earth.  This is what God, Source, All That Is, wants for you.  This is who you really are, and only you have the control and power to be in that state of being. 

The key is calling upon deliberate intention to heal and the heart virtues to empower you and guide your evolution.  You are the only one that has say over your sovereignty and that starts with a deliberate intent to be whole and happy.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️



It is time.  The truth is emerging and is there for those that are willing to accept it.  Your power of discernment must be honed, and this is done by asking and shielding your etheric body. 

This is the place in your being where environmental information is gathered and processed and unless you clear it often it will become clogged.  It is also the part of you that you share with the outside world and other people.  It is termed your ‘energy signature’ and it is why people are attracted to you or not.  It is the place that the energy from healing and purging your internal being is relayed for emergence to the ether for cleansing and recycling.  It is the final release and in turn the point of entry by other frequencies and energetic reception.  Everything you allow into your being goes through your etheric body first.  That is why you should ask for cleansing and purging of this field everyday and set a shield around you. 

Setting a ‘shield’ is an intention, prayer, request, or any way you choose to ask for what you do and do not want to enter your being (frequency, energy).  This is a part of you that can become overly saturated with old energy and useless information.  It is much like a computer that does not get cleaned or defragmented.  The information becomes garbled, and the result is confusion and fog that sets in and can create physical ailments and fatigue.  You need to be aware of this to release and cleanse this place around you that is your etheric body.  At the same time, you will also cleanse, purge, and clear your chakras.  When you do this, you will feel it internally and your mental body will become clearer.  It will affect the way you think and process energy and information through your heart mind.  A consistent cleansing will support and convey your sovereign status to all incoming energies so that you will not be susceptible to their influence without your permission.  This is also a filter for you to use in knowing what is truth and what is not.

Aligning yourself with Source energy, God, All That Is, is a conscious process, however it cannot be accomplished unless your heart is clear of energetic debris.  Clearing this debris comes from your intentions being set by a clear internal soul and spirit.  This internal intention will connect with the supporting frequency of love that is emanating from the Source of All That Is.  If this exchange is not made clear and your etheric body is not cleansed, you will not get the focused concentration of love transfusion that you need to be at peace and connect with the heart virtues.  There can be no question about your loyalties, for this current time is for making these choices.  It must be a conscious awakened decision. 

Now is the time for this spiritual sequence and it must be the result of your intended choices.  Choosing to align with the heart virtues will activate your being to connect with the highest version of yourself.  Then you can step into your power and resonate with who you really are. This is what you can do for yourself and the world right now.  

Be Well, Be Love 💖



You are entering into the next phase of spiritual consciousness.  Either you are in tune with your inner spark (soul), or you are not.  This is the time that you have prepared for through your processes of purging, healing, and heart virtue activations.  You have been going through a conscious awakening to find out who you really are! 

The world is in CCC (crisis, chaos, conflict) and this is what you were told would be happening.  This relates to the activations internally and the result universally, ‘as within, so without’.  If you have not done your inner work, you are on a crash course to get it done so you can deal with what is happening on the outside.

So many have skipped looking within and accepting responsibility for what is happening in their lives, and in doing so have immersed themselves in the current dramas that life is offering up. This immersion will not feed any part of you that is related to your evolution, and it could lead to illness and misery. The current path has been to heal and purge the programming so that you can discover, practice, and live the heart virtues.

There has never been more distraction than there is now for the transformation from dark to light has begun in earnest. This life has always held the inevitability of spiritual conscious awakening. This has always been the purpose, the prose of life. It is a personal process to find your spiritual footing in all things at all times, and to stay centered in your heart through the refinement of your soul. There is never an easy out, for this traverse cannot be side stepped. If you had not chosen to overcome the ego mind and step fully into this transformation with courage and intention, you would not be here. Your true purpose lies on the other side of this part of the journey and not one step can be skipped, for you have chosen to experience your own evolution as an awakening being of light and love with courage, strength and honor.

It has not been easy to merge your ego mind with your heart as I have discussed in several posts, for this is a major step in tuning into the heart and living from there through acts of mindfulness thoughts, words, and deeds. Your intentions are always built from this place within your heart and soul and mindful action follows. This is who you have become from then to now and who you will be from here is defined by your heart consciousness for nothing else will divulge your future, which is your next moment. It is through mindfulness thought that brings you ever closer to a fully conscious spiritually aware and meaningful being at this time. This is what will carry you over the bridge into the next phase of a meaningful life in a higher frequency and vibration of dimensional awareness. This is where you will find a new beginning of soulfulness expansion and ease. Instead of questioning, you will be living the answers and finding the reasonability of existence and in-depth moral codes for building a new life of purpose. This life will be absent of fear and CCC. It will offer new challenges of thought, word, and deed of finding greater symposiums of love and enjoyment. This will be well deserved and extremely rewarding. It is time to awaken and intend a life of peaceful repose and a renewed sense of spirit!

Be Well, Be Love ❤️



Confusion seems to mar the underpinnings of knowing what to do, think, and believe. It is everywhere and seems to be spiraling out of control, but it has a purpose, and it is that of leading you to connect with your own Divinity.

Divinity is a part of you that lies underneath everything you think you are, and it lies there waiting for you to recognize and activate it. Its basis is love. It is not an emotion, or a feeling, it is who you really are. It is covered up by everything you have been told and have chosen to believe i.e., programming. It started when you were born and continues to this day. This programming justifies, rules, and controls your thoughts and feelings. Some of your programming has brought fear, feelings of lack, disappointment, health issues, judgements, and resistance unto itself. It is part of what you have become and underneath it all lies your Divinity. You have only to ask to connect with your Divinity (light), however your ego mind will interfere if you allow it to. Your unawakened thoughts are evidence of your programming, and you can know the ego mind is in control when it ‘argues’ with your intention of connecting to your internal Divine light.

You have heard within these blog messages which refer to the heart virtues (see Heart Virtues post) in several ways. These are keys to healing your ego mind (programming) and its control over you. The action of the heart virtues comes from your Divine Self, your Divinity. It is more powerful than your ego mind, and when the ego mind doesn’t know how to fight against your Divinity it incites anger, resentment, and resistance. This is a good thing! This way you know you are connecting to that part of yourself that will lead you toward living the heart virtues and the evolution of your being, your reason for being here at this time.

You are not here to gather wealth and possessions.  This is not what you are here on this planet at this time to accomplish.  You are here to evolve and to help others to do the same.  All of this propaganda that is going on at this time is meant to trap you into more programming and feeding the programming you already have had indoctrinated into your ego mind.  This ‘mental prison’ is to keep you from evolving at a time when it is most important.  This is the crossroads for everyone to experience at this time to choose their course; the divide and conquer or unite and experience freedom from oppressive experiences.  You are at a time of choosing what feels to be internally of love.  Are you criticizing and condemning, or are you peaceful and loving?  Where do you think the reason for your path and purpose lies?  You are the master of your choices (thoughts) and that means that happiness, health, joy, and prosperity can all be yours.  This is a matter of Divine choice or ego manipulation, and it all starts within.  What are you listening to?  Your heart or your ego mind?  Are you practicing the heart virtues?  The ego mind does not relate to the heart virtues, for they are not to be understood or reasoned with.  They are to be lived and are the keys to activating your Divinity.  

It is a time of separation and choice.  There is no going back there is only forward movement and this requires you to make a decision about your evolution.  The frequency coming from God (Source) is there for activation and reinforcing the Heart Virtues which is the forward path to the evolution you are here to accomplish.  If there are those that choose not to evolve, they will not enjoy the benefits of the frequencial alignment.  This means suffering instead of thriving.  The current timeline of thriving is one of love, health, prosperity, and abundance.  That’s what this time is for…..choosing your way forward through your next steps.

Next comes the outbreath.  The time of living your choices.  This is when your reality changes to resonate with the choice you made.  It will be one of two timelines and simply one of self-responsibility.  You will either be firmly ensconced in the heart virtues and receiving the benefits of this choice or trapped in the cycle of ‘groundhog day’ where nothing changes for you. 

Peace will be your guide and empowering your life with the activation of your Divinity will be your future reward.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️


Giving Thanks

In a world full of crisis, chaos, and conflict it is a challenge to find peace, acceptance, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and nonjudgement, yet that is exactly what you should strive for. 

To close your eyes and hearts to a situation is to deny your pledge as an awakened and loving being.  It is a testament to your willingness to be a part of the solution and not the problem.  Anything else is encapsulating fear, and this only exacerbates the problem.

This will be the most challenging time for humanity, as the world is cracking wide open with change and retribution.  This ushers in the transfiguration I have spoken of so many times that will lead to the transformation of our world into a more peaceful and loving place. 

The first step is gratitude, and this alone takes you into a loving vibration.  Gratitude brings alignment with your spiritual self and guides you into the other heart virtues which change your state of being and radiates this love out into the world.  This then bestows all around you with this grace and changes the vibration of your whole being.  Everyone you associate with on any level will feel this energy when they make contact with you. 

As you tune into your feelings about these times, you may find yourself experiencing a wellspring of emotions that seem to come up for observation and reconciliation. Purging is a natural process of evolution, and as we expand our spiritual nature, we release pent up energies that have been stored within our beings as different levels of fears. Allowing yourself to release these feelings will heal them and end the cycle of reactions you have to different situations, people, and events. This will of course cause major changes within and your vibration will become clearer and more concise delineating your thoughts and opinions. There is much stored within you that you are not aware of. Some is from the programming you received as a child, some is from previous lifetimes, some is from the genetic codes stored within your physical body. These all coagulate to create the platform you use to reason, think, and communicate in life. This in turn creates your personality and relationships. If this purging and healing work is not done you will feel resistant and opinionated.

Flexibility is the result of a strong spiritual nature. To be open to questioning your own beliefs, natures, and actions will bring you to a state of clarity and helps you to reclaim your natural self, which is who you really are. Claiming your sovereign soul is aligning with your God Spark, which is the most powerful form of love and grace you can possibly be. You were created out of pure love and reclaiming that state of being is what you are here at this time to accomplish.

Know this and be glad, for this is a time that has been long awaited, and you have chosen to be here for this to be carried out.

Be Well, Be love ❤️


Heart Virtues

There is a primal force that is coming to enlighten and inspire those that are ready for it.  It is nothing to fear but to embrace, and those that are of a certain vibration (think/feel heart virtues) will benefit from it in ways that those that are stuck in their fear will not. 

This is a time of extreme contrast, and this is a perfect design, for if you do not have a ‘mirror’ you will not be able to see the whole picture!  This is not a time of getting stuck in a situation so intensely that you cannot ‘see’ anything else.  Do you want to evolve, or do you want to sink further into your fear?  Evolve = love and Judgement = fear.  How can it be anything else?

The heart and the mind are connected in ways that are just now starting to be discovered.  It is through this newfound connection that we find the answers to how or why we should heal our spirit and soul for continued evolution of our spiritual nature.  For what/who are we without our spiritual self?  Why else would we be here as a human on this planet?  Do you feel defined by who you really are or by outside influences and/or people?  The answers define your current evolutionary process.  There are no other processes in place at the current time that mean anything to your current existence.  You are here to do one thing, and that is to evolve without anyone or anything telling you how to think and feel.  Here is a guide on how to process your healing using the 9 heart virtues:

HUMILITY ~ Feeling the need to be right or feeling that you are right is an ego response.  Knowing that you are open to lessons and learning, growing and expanding, being more neutral, and looking at things from a place of being open to change through heart centered awareness is a connection to your divine self. This creates a place of honoring others’ process through knowing there are many facets to consider.

FORGIVENESS ~ This is a pure place of accepting responsibility for one’s participation in any situation.  This is knowing that in some cases you are an observer more than a participant.  Feeling victimized is a type of control, which is an ego-based response.  Things that happen to you are designed for your growth and an opportunity to learn to expand your being.  There is a spiritual answer to every situation.  Forgiveness is for you.  It is not permission; it is accepting that you cannot change what happened or the person that was involved.  This is a pure connection to your divine power within your soul and spirit empowering you with the essence of letting go.  This is standing up for love and what is right and good.  It is the pure absence of fear through knowing that you make a difference in regards to intolerance and resistance.

JUDGEMENT ~ Another word for the egos need to control or blame what/who you cannot control to accept your beliefs or standards.  This is an illusory response to those that do not meet your truths. Accepting differences and allowing all to be and do without your approval is a consciously awakened step to an inner peaceful state of being without having to contort others’ truth.

COMPASSION~ A virtue that is the opposite of Judgement.  This is the feeling of knowing that everyone is responsible for themselves and their thoughts, feelings, and actions.  This is using your heart to filter your response to someone’s words and/or actions.  This means you hold no remorse, blame, or ill feelings for anyone else and their responses to a person or thing.  This virtue combines understanding, tolerance, and patience.

APPRECIATION ~ This is a response from the spiritual self and can only be expressed when one is in a pure state of love.  This is a twin flame to gratitude which can only be felt if appreciation is engaged.  Both are of the same essence and cannot be felt when is in fear.  This virtue does not exist where the ego is concerned.  The depth of appreciation exists in a healed heart and state of peace that can only be the result of a congruent inner being.

GRATITUDE ~ This is an essence of accepting what is without a need to change it or reform it. This combines a knowing of what’s best in the moment and the feeling that what is in that moment contains all the components of knowing and receiving a blessing and accepting it with grace. It is an acknowledgement of what is right an true and being thankful for the experience.

TOLERANCE ~ There are two major levels of tolerance: for oneself, and others.  When tolerance is needed for one’s self it is in response to a healing intervention being done within.  It creates grace which is the spiritual result of this virtue.  Tolerance does not exist within the ego, which is in a constant state of fear.  Tolerance is a direct relation to acceptance, which blends into compassion.  Tolerance is a foundational basis for the 8 virtues.

PATIENCE~ Grasping the concept of timing is crucial to this virtue.  It is the knowing that all will be well no matter the condition.  It is trusting in the fact that we are not here haphazardly, that we have a purpose, and all that happens is on time and in the meaningful flow of every moment.  It is the ‘Pause of God’ within our healed spirit and soul.  There can be no belief, faith, or trust without this virtue.

UNDERSTANDING ~ This is the knowing that all is based upon these virtues for a meaningful existence and expanding evolutionary path, so there are no accidents or mistakes and that this is the prose of life.  This is the place of readiness for acceptance of what is not known or perceived, and yet trusted.  This is the variation between love and fear.  This is the augmented reality we achieve when we are coming from the place of who we really are after we have purged the programming of the ego.

Now is the time to use these virtues as a study to be in the moment and refurbish your being. There is nothing outside of these practices that can emulate your sense of self, for you are a pure perfect being that can affect and create grace to change the world! This is what is called for now with all the CCC that is taking place in such a fearful way. This is your goal, your worth, your pure plan for being here at this time. You are not here to judge, blame, or misinterpret any of the conditions you encounter. All will be exactly what it is meant to be.

You can make a difference with a healed heart. Engaging in these virtues will have a profound affect on your life and others will be helped by the energetic resonance you emulate. This is the virus of love!

Be Well, Be Love 💗


Fear vs. Love

It is a time of belief, faith, and trust. Know within that you are part of something bigger, something older, something wiser. This is the connection that is always there with your Source, your Creator, the One that has given you the spark of life, through truth, that created you out of love.

Fear is what stops you from feeling this connection. Fear is a major function of the programming that you have been indoctrinated with from birth. Fear lies within your ego mind and fear triggers a negative emotion within your heart and soul. Love is your original foundation and lies within your heart and soul; fear is generated from the mind alone. The reason for this is because fear is not part of your spiritual self; only love is.

The mind is the first to receive input from environmental and outside stimulus. In most people information is received by the ego mind and either love or fear are generated as the first response to the information. This stimulus is then felt emotionally and categorized as fear or love within the mind. The emotional level of the fear or love is accentuated by what it connects to within your inner being. This is where your soul/spirit stores your experiences from the ego mind and has processed it using the programming that created your previous beliefs. Whatever beliefs lie within your being both emotionally and/or physically, enhances the fear or love that you are experiencing in your mind about the incoming information. This means that whatever exists within that has not been healed, cleansed, and cleared will enhance and magnify only fear. This will then generate belief about the incoming stimulus and store this information within your inner being. This unconscious reaction is then used as a filter with all of your perceptions.

Therein lies the need for healing any unfinished business that may be stored within your being. This healing is done by the spiritual self using the heart virtues as the guide for checking and healing any past experiences and programming. I have written about this in many of the previous posts on this site in great detail. When the heart virtues are practiced and used in healing, cleansing, and clearing the inner being, a syntax is then created for all incoming experiences and data. After the healing with the heart virtues this syntax will be one of loving consequence and will enhance the spiritual self illuminating the stimulus or data with light that will broadcast out to the information, and modify its frequency into that of grace and peace. Fear cannot exist as your experience when this synergy is in place. This means you can change the frequency of the environment or stimulus with your state of consciousness through Divine Mind. Divine mind is the joining of the healed and reconfigured ego mind using the heart virtues in concert with the spiritual self. This means that all incoming information generates thought through the loving filter of the heart mind known as Divine mind.

Fear cannot exist in the presence of love and living the heart virtues as your foundation generates only love. When you heal your inner realm it changes your perception and when you live the heart virtues the grace you emit can change the world!

Be Well, Be Love ❤️


Changes, The Message

It is a curious time of change and perspective. With changes such as these comes opportunity for spiritual expansion and evolution, which is what you are currently experiencing.

It may not seem so at this time; however your spiritual nature is being called upon to see the value of the challenges you are facing both with individual issues as well as collective issues. You cannot help but feel how you are perceiving these changes as you process them into meaningful sequences to be used by the heart in determining the messages these changes are meant to have for you. These messages underly the overlay of the instances which brings us closer to the true reason for the seeming crisis, chaos, and conflict (CCC). When you can reach the true message of these changes, you can feel the shifts of power and truth within your being. Things are not as they seem, for it takes great pressure and shock these days to get our attention! Can you feel this within your experience? Can you use your soulfulness to understand how these changes are shifting your consciousness? What you are left with is the purity of the message.

When these messages reach the innermost part of your being you feel the higher vibration of everything you observe, think, and feel. With such clarity it is easier to accept change and rise above the initial impact of the coming future changes. This is how some can manage change without the CCC. Many will react to the instance without using their spiritual filter to reach the message that lies there to bring them clarity and not become trapped within the overlay.

Changes have no other reason within our experience. They are meant to evolve us without the interplay of the ego. That is our responding mechanism to the overlay of change, and it is expressed as fear. Fear is the trap to keep the ego engaged and prevent our hearts response with love. If the individual realizes that they are in fear, the heart can respond, and the message can be found. Once realized, change can be navigated without fear and evolution of the being commences. The underlying messages are not clear to those that only see the overlay through the ‘eyes’ of the ego. It is truly rare to take the time to process the feelings we have about change and identify them as either fear or love. There are those that understand this and use the ego to keep one in fear. It is important to know that you only have two dimensions of feeling, fear or love, and you cannot feel both at the same time.

As your conscious awareness changes within your being and aligns with your heart instead of your ego, you will find your perception changes which means you are spiritually expanding with the underlying messages in change. This is the usefulness of change and it leads to a more soulful perception.

Be Well, Be Love ❤️